Happy New Year 2023
Happy New Year 2023 (New Year Wishes): It is time to say goodbye to the year 2022! The people all around the world are ready with open arms to welcome 2023. While some people start their celebrations from the night of 31st December, there are various traditions around the world on how people celebrate the Happy New Year 2023. Regardless of the differences in cultures, every country celebrates the new year’s day the same way, and starts sending wishes to their loved ones from the midnight of December 31st!

यहाँ हिंदी में पढ़ें: नववर्ष 2023
Social media platforms like Facebook, Whatsapp, Instagram, etc., are full of new year’s wishes on the big day. In different parts of the world, there are unique customs and traditions regarding the new years. With this article by AstroSage, we will explain the stories of various traditions and ways Happy New Year 2023 is celebrated around the world, as well as provide you with some unique new year’s wishes. Along with this,we will help you learn how to wish your friends and family living in different parts of India in 13 different languages!
To Read New Year 2024 Click Here: New Year 2024
How Did January 1st Become The New Year’s Day?
The first day of the first month of every year, January 1st, marks the beginning of a new year. However, earlier there were different dates to celebrate the new years in different parts of the world. Some would celebrate it on December 25th, while others would celebrate it on March 25th. According to the Hindu Panchang, the Hindu New Year officially begins on the first day of Chaitra Shukla Paksha of the year. Later, people started celebrating Happy New Year 2023 on January 1st.
This tradition started from Rome. King Numa Pompilius made changes in the Roman calendar, after which it was decided to celebrate the Happy New Year 2023 Day on January 1st. Earlier, there used to be ten months in a year, but after the changes made in the calendar, there were 12 months. January, named after a Roman God Janus and March, named after the God of War and the planet Mars, were added to the calendar.
New Years 2023: Strange Traditions
Everyone celebrates the New Year in their own way. There are many places around the world which have strange traditions to welcome the upcoming year. It is believed that these weird traditions bring good luck with them. So let us read about these traditions and learn about them-
- Eating Fish: In countries like China, there is a tradition to eat fish on the new year’s day. It is believed that fishes lead us towards success and prosperity in life. Hence, eating fish on the first day of the new year is said to be an auspicious start to the year.
- Black Cowpea: The new year is welcomed in Judaism by consuming black cowpeas. It is believed that luck favors those who eat black cowpea on the evening of January 1st, throughout the year. On the other hand, it is also believed that keeping a coin under the plate of the black cowpeas while eating them brings even more good luck.
- Eating 12 Grapes: In Spain, the new year is welcomed by eating 12 grapes. At midnight of December 31st, everyone starts a countdown and eats a grape along with it. It is considered to be good luck. Each grape represents the upcoming 12 months of the year. It is considered unlucky to not be able to eat all 12 grapes with the countdown.
- To Kiss Your Partner: Countries like Germany welcome the new year by kissing their partners at the midnight of the New Year’s Eve. It is said that the couple is blessed with good luck throughout the year.
India Celebrates New Years Five Times In A Year
Our diverse country has unique ways in which people celebrate the new year. Every religion has its own new year and celebrates it like a festival. There are many traditions as per the difference in the religious view– while some celebrate the new year with fireworks and dance, some worship their Gods.
Let us learn the five different times India celebrates the new year-
Christian New YearIn Christianity, the new year started to be celebrated on January 1st from October 15th, 1582. The Christian calendar is known as the Gregorian calendar. Julius Caesar created the Julian calendar in the year 45 BC and since then January 1st is celebrated as the New Year’s Day.
Parsi New YearThe Parsi New Year is known and celebrated as the Navroz Festival. Around 3000 years ago, Shah Jamshed Ji started the festival and since then, Navroz Festival is celebrated on August 19th every year.
Punjabi New YearThe new year in Punjab is celebrated as the festival of Baisakhi, which falls in April. As per the Sikh Nanakshahi Calendar, the day after Holi is the beginning of the new year.
Hindu New Year
The new year in Hinduism is celebrated on the first day of the Shukla Paksha of the month of Chaitra. It is also known as the Hindu Nav Samvatsar. It is believed that Lord Brahma created nature on this day and the New Vikram Samvat begins on the same day. As per the English Calendar, this day falls in the month of April.
Jain New YearThe Jain new year begins on the day after Diwali. It is also known as the ‘Veer Nirvana Samvat’.
Various Languages To Wish The New Years
On Happy New Year 2023, people across the world use their languages to wish everyone a Happy New Year. From Kashmir to Kanniyakumai, Indians speak over 20 different languages, and each language has its own love and beauty. Let us learn the many ways we can wish our friends and families a Happy New Year 2023, that live in different parts of the country-
Hindi: Naya Saal Mubarak Ho/ Nav Varsh Ki Shubhkaamnayein!
Urdu: Naya Saal Mubarak Ho!
Punjabi: Nave Saal Di Mubarakaan!
Gujarati: Nutan Varshabhinandan!
Bengali: Shubho Nabo Borsho!
Tamil: Iniya Puthandu Nalavazhthukkal!
Telugu: Noothana Sanvatsar Shubhakankshalu!
Marathi: Navin Varshachi Shuboccha!
Odia: Shubha Naba Barsha!
Assamese: Narbarshra Shubhkamna!
Kannada: Hosa Varad Shubhayah!
Malayalam: Puthuvatsar Aashashakali!
Sanskrit: Shubham Nav Varsham!
Wish your loved ones with some funny jokes!
Try a new way to wish your peers and family members a Happy New Year 2022, which would bring a smile on their faces while reading them.
- My nose is red, my eyes are blurry;
My head is pounding, my tongue is furry.
It’s gonna be a great year; don’t you worry.
Happy New Year!
- It’s a new year; I get a new chance,
Could I get a cash advance?
- In the New Year, may we win the lottery.
Just the thought makes my eyes watery!
- It’s a new year; let’s live it up!
We’ll pick some other year to act grown up!
What gifts to buy for your loved ones this new year 2023?
A Book: There is no gift better than a book. It brings knowledge, keeps you fresh, sometimes takes you away from the cruel reality, and is a human’s best friend! Books will always be by your side.
Dry Fruits: This new year 2023, gifting your family members some dry fruits is a great option. They will increase their immunity in the winters as well as act as a healthy companion for them!
A Card: You can send a card to your loved ones, wishing them love, health, good luck, and prosperity in the coming new year. Whether it's a birthday or an anniversary, cards never go out of style. To make it more special, you can send them a handmade card!
A Bamboo Plant: A bamboo plant is considered to be very lucky. It is a great gifting option for this new year 2023 as you will be gifting them good luck in the form of a bamboo plant.
Chocolate: Who doesn’t like chocolates? It is one of the best gifting options for every occasion. Be it a birthday, anniversary, or this new year 2023, gifting chocolate is always a good idea!
Perfume: You may also gift a perfume to your loved ones on New Years 2023. It is an affordable option, as well as a fragrance to remember the person you gifted it by.
We hope you have a very Happy New Year 2023!!
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