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Rahu Transit 2022 Dates & Remedies

Rahu Transit 2022 Rahu Transit 2022 by AstroSage reveals the impact of Rahu’s transit on the lives of all the natives of the twelve zodiac signs. Know the impact of the shadow planet Rahu on your love life, profession, marriage, academics and much more based on Vedic Astrology.

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Rahu Transit in Vedic Astrology

Rahu is considered one of the nine planets but it doesn't have a physical entity like the other seven planets i.e. Sun, Moon, Mercury, Mars, Venus, Saturn and Jupiter. It is a shadowy planet and is also known as the node of the Moon. This northern node of the Moon is basically symbolised as the head of the Dragon and there is a mythological story behind the same. It states that a Devil named Swarbhanu sat in disguise between the Sun and the Moon while they were receiving holy water after the Samudra Manthan, which would make the Devtas eternal. By the time anyone could know that there was a devil sitting between devas they consumed the holy water and became unbeatable, as a result of which Lord Vishnu used his Sudarshan Chakra and divided the Devil into two parts, where the head came to be known as Rahu and the tail as Ketu

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Rahu is called the planet of illusion. It brings hazy visions, false hopes and beliefs. It can also frame a world of fiction and daydreaming. It casts a deep influence on the life of the native and can take the person into the world of speculation, drugs and addictions, and illegal activities as well as revolution and innovation. Rahu is also taken as an expansive energy that enhances the impact of the house where it is placed. As per Vedic astrology, Rahu is an influential planet that behaves like the planet it is in conjunction with or aspected by. Also, it gives the results of the house lords where it is placed.

Rahu in the modern world represents technology and updated techniques. It also represents outcast and out of the box thinking. Liberalism is donated by the Rahu. The media, aircraft and technical sources all come under the influence of Rahu. Despite in the modern world, the traditional definition of Rahu i.e. being a sheer malefic planet has changed to innovation but there are still some unconcealed facts about the impact of Rahu. Read the below article to know about the influence of Rahu Transit in 2022 on your zodiac sign.

Rahu Transit 2022 Dates

In Vedic astrology, Rahu is also known as one of the slow-moving planets after Saturn. Also, its impact is compared to that of Saturn. It takes 1.5 years to transit from one sign and it transits in a retrograde motion. This year Rahu will transit in Aries on 12 April 2022 at 10:36 AM from Taurus.

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Rahu Transit 2022 for Aries

For Aries natives, Rahu will be transiting from their second house to their rising sign in the month of April. The time period till April will bring some chaos on the family front as per Rahu 2022 Transit, also at the professional front, you will have insecurities about losing your money and job. You are advised not to invest in personal property during the first quarter of the year, you may land into a deceitful deal. Your speech will be rude and harsh due to which your dear ones might get hurt by you. Your articulation will improvise when Rahu will transit from your first house. This will have some impact on your peace and comfort at home. Your relationships with your immediate family will improve. This transit of Rahu will also bring some stability to your finances. You may feel confused and distracted, also you will find it difficult to make decisions. You may have an inclination to start some new things in your life or do something unique. You may feel heaviness in your head and have pain in your calf muscles. You will be a spendthrift and will spend on unproductive things. You will feel lost most of the time and will be unsure whether to perform certain things or leave them. It will not be a very auspicious period for your personal comfort.

Remedy: Fill an earthen pot with Jau and offer it in the running water for four consecutive Saturdays.

Rahu Transit 2022 for Taurus

For Taurus natives as per Rahu Transit 2022 Predictions, Rahu will be in the rising sign at the beginning of the year. You will be lost and confused during this period. You are advised not to make any important decisions at the beginning of the year as you may not be able to evaluate all the dimensions. Also, you may face loads of trust issues during this period. You will get an inclination to do something innovative and different during this period. You will also spend a lot on yourself i.e. to keep yourself well-groomed and maintained. Your personality will be attractive and talked about amongst the opposite sex during this period. In the month of April, Rahu will transit into your twelfth house of expenditures and desires. During this time period, your expenditures will roar and you may get into deficit. You will have unnecessary and unproductive expenditures. You may also have long hospital bills to be paid. There are bright possibilities of spending money on long journeys and travel plans during this period. The intimacy and passion between the couples will be at their peak during this transit period. Those who have plans to apply to foreign colleges or get jobs overseas will have a potent time period. You will get a number of opportunities to fulfil your dreams during this period.

Remedy: Apply Sandalwood tilak on your forehead every day and use sandalwood fragrance on your body.

Rahu Transit 2022 for Gemini

For Gemini natives, Rahu will be placed in the twelfth house at the beginning of the year. This placement of Rahu will make you spendthrift. You will spend on luxurious and unproductive things. Those who are into romantic relationships will be passionate about their partner and intimacy in the relationship will increase. You may make frequent travel plans or make an overseas trip during this period. You may also face some disruptions in family peace and comfort during the first four months of the year. Rahu will then transit to your eleventh house in the month of April. You will have some sudden financial gains. Those who are working may get increments or opportunities to earn better post-April as per Transit 2022 Predictions for Rahu. The entrepreneurs will be able to make better profits and expand their business which will enhance their sources of earning. You may face some conflicts in your relationship with the elder siblings and your friends during this period. You will find it difficult to trust them even for the pettiest things. This time is favourable for making big investments as you will make good money out of them.

Remedy: Apply mustard oil on the tip of your big toes and thumbs before going to bed.

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Rahu Transit 2022 for Cancer

2022 Rahu Transit reveals that the shadow planet Rahu will be positioned in their eleventh house till April. You will be a socialite and will be outgoing during this period. You will make a couple of new friends however they will not be long term friends. You will earn from the speculative market and short term investments during this period. Your relationship with your siblings will not be very cordial and you may have frequent conflicts with them. You may earn a handsome amount from your hobbies during this period. Rahu will then move to your tenth house of profession. The working professionals need to be careful during this period as you will have to face loads of politics at your workplace. You will get opportunities to switch your job or change your profile during this time. The freshers who are searching for a job will have to make some hits and trials in order to get some good opportunities. The government employees may get a transfer order during this transit period. Those who are into the IT industry will have a blooming time, you will get a number of opportunities to prove your calibre. Also, your good work will get recognition during this period. The business owners who are dealing with overseas clients or manufacturing rubber, lead and metal will see substantial growth in their business which will lead to better finances.

Remedy: Feed stray dogs with milk and bread in the evenings.

Rahu Transit 2022 for Leo

For Leo natives, Rahu will be in your tenth house during the start of the year. You will get new opportunities and proposals on the professional front during this period as per Horoscope 2022 based on Rahu Transit 2022. You will have ambitions towards your goals and will have high aspirations. You will face some job insecurities despite the fact that things on the professional front will not be too bad. You will face some complications with your relations with the seniors. You are advised not to get into heated up discussions or arguments with them as this will bring complications. Rahu will then transit in your ninth house. You will face some complications with your father and someone you see as a fatherly figure. You will spend a lot on travel and may have some unproductive travel plans as well. Your luck will be uncertain and unstable during this period. You will have to really work hard to achieve a little success during this period. You will also be less hopeful and will have a wavering faith in the things around you. Your religious beliefs will be on the shift and you may feel a shift in your energy pattern. You may face some turmoil in your romantic relationships as well during this time period. You may face some complications in your professional life as well. The ones who are looking for jobs will find the time to be tough and truly challenging and struggling.

Remedy: You should offer water and fruits at Shivling on Mondays.

Rahu Transit 2022 for Virgo

For Virgo natives, Rahu will transit from the ninth house at the beginning of the year. You may face distractions and confusion during this period. You may face conflicts with your seniors, bosses and father during this period. You will have an inclination towards knowing the core of mythology and will challenge your own belief system. You will be a bit pessimistic during this period. You may face a sudden change in your mood and behaviour. The transit of Rahu in 2022 will then be in your eighth house. During this period you may get interested in occult mysteries and sciences. Your intuition will grow stronger and you will be able to judge people and situations around you thoroughly. You will be prone to health concerns and injuries during this period. You will have to work too hard to prove yourself be it at the professional front or the personal front. Those who are into the study of deep subjects or into research will have a favourable time. Those who are working in the insurance sector will be able to make good dealings and earn better incentives. You should be careful while making any financial deal as you may lose money. You are advised to invest in speculative markets or make an asset purchase as you may be cheated during this period.

Remedy: Apply white sandalwood tilak on your forehead every day.

Rahu Transit 2022 for Libra

For Libra natives, Rahu will be placed in the eighth house at the beginning of the year. You may have sudden gains from unauthorized resources during this period as per Rahu Transit 2022 Predictions. You may also try to earn money through illegal activities. You will plan new strategies and ideas to enhance your professional life. There are bright possibilities of change in job or transfer during this period. There is also a chance of change in your current job profile. Those who were long planning to start something on their own will take the initiative to have their set up during this period. You are advised to stay away from illegal activities as you may have to pay back heavily. In mid of April, Rahu will make a transit to your seventh house. This will bring some differences and conflicts between the business partners. You may have small fights with your partner which will impact your business. The married couples may witness a third person’s intervention in their relationship. This will bring conflicts between the partners. The singles who are looking forward to getting married will get a number of proposals during this time period. However, you will get confused in finalising one. You may make frequent travel plans with your spouse during this period. Also, there may be some travelling for the work but it will not bring productive results.

Remedy: Offer water to the Peepal tree without touching the tree.

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Rahu Transit 2022 for Scorpio

For Scorpio natives, Rahu will be positioned in your seventh house of partnerships and associations at the beginning of the year. There are possibilities that either the partner steps out of marriage or gets attracted to a third person during this period. You need to be cautious about your public image as there will be circumstances and people will bring a negative impact to the same. You may feel confused while making major decisions, you are advised to discuss things with your dear ones and then take any major decisions during this period. The singles will have crushes and blushes during this period. Rahu will then transit to your sixth house in April. This time is favourable for the freshers searching for jobs as you will find some good proposals. The employed natives will also be able to dictate their terms at their workplace and will be in a commanding position. There are possibilities of increments and promotions during this time period. You need to be cautious about your health as you may suffer from eye issues, reactions to drugs or food. Also, you will be prone to injuries and surgeries during this time period. You will be overpowering your enemies and competitors during this time. Time is also favourable for the students who are preparing for the competitive examinations, as their confidence will be high and they will be able to crack the exam.

Remedy: Apply Saffron Tilak on your forehead and neck every day.

Rahu Transit 2022 for Sagittarius

For Sagittarius natives at the beginning of the year, Rahu will be transiting from your sixth house. This time may give rise to some court cases or legal issues in your life. Those who were facing these issues in the past may get relieved with the same as they will get resolved with a decision in your favour. You may get an opportunity to make a long-distance trip from the organisation you are working with. Those who are into their own profession i.e. lawyers or medical practitioners will have a favourable period as their popularity amongst the masses will increase. Rahu will then move to your fifth house in mid of April. This time will not be favourable for the students. You will face loads of distractions in your studies due to peer pressure. You will have concentration issues, also your understanding of the subject will be incorrect. The time will be favourable for those who are into romantic relationships. The intensity of love and passion in the relationship will increase. Also, the singles have bright chances of getting committed in a romantic relationship. You will pursue your hobbies and interests aggressively during this period, you may also start earning from your hobbies during this period. This period will bring good financial gains to the natives.

Remedy: Feed seven grains to the birds every day. This serves as one of the effective Rahu 2022 Transit remedies.

Rahu Transit 2022 for Capricorn

For Capricorn natives, Rahu will be transiting from their fifth house at the beginning of the year. This will bring some entertainment and excitement to your life. You will be able to earn from more than one source during this period as per Rahu Transit 2022 Predictions. The science and engineering students will have a better period as they will be inquisitive about getting into the knick-knack of the subjects. Also, those who are into the designing sector will be full of creative ideas during this time. You may face some digestion issues, therefore be particular about your eating habits and food intake. Rahu will then move to your fourth house in the month of April. You will have to take care of your mother’s health since she will be prone to heart, blood pressure and cholesterol issues during this period. You will lavishly spend on buying luxurious things for your home during this period. Your relationships with the family members will not be too smooth which will impact the ambience at home. You may have off and on conflicts with your family or there may be small fights between the members of the house. You should not invest in land and property during this period as you may land up into a deceptive deal. Also, you should not lend or borrow money during this transit period as your money will get stuck.

Remedy: Offer coconut in flowing water on Saturdays.

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Rahu Transit 2022 for Aquarius

For Aquarius natives, during the beginning of the year, Rahu will be placed in your fourth house. This time will not be favourable for academic students as their attention will be lost and they will not be able to learn or retain things. Also, their performance in curricular activities may fall during this period. Those who were suffering from chronic diseases may find some hope of recovery during this time. You may also gain from the property during the first four months of the year. Rahu will then transit to your third house. Your confidence and willpower will boost during this period. You will be dynamic in energy and will try to incorporate new ideas and strategies into your business. The government employees will have bright changes of transfer. There are also possibilities of a change in job for those who had been looking for one. The time is favourable for short journeys as they will bring productive results during this time. You will have to be careful while talking to your siblings and friends as your harsh words and aggressive gestures may bring differences in your relationship. You will make leisure trips and have frequent get together with your friends and associates during this time period. You will be particular about your fitness and will get into physical activities like gym, aerobics, cult etc.

Remedy: Keep a piece of silver in your wallet for financial abundance.

Rahu Transit 2022 for Pisces

For Pisces natives, Rahu will transit from your third house at the beginning of the year. This time will be fun-filled and outgoing as you may plan trips with your friends and acquaintances. This period will not be favourable for academic students. The writing speed of the students will slow down and they will make careless mistakes. You may face some financial troubles during this period. You will have to work too hard on the professional front to prove your calibre. You will be overpowering your enemies and opponents during this period. Rahu will then transit your second house. This transit will bring some uncertainties pertaining to your finances. You may face some sudden expenditures during this time period. Your articulation will be harsh and you will be loud in your speech. You may have disturbed relations with your mother during this time period. You will be diplomatic in your words and will try to hide the truth if necessary. You may face some issues with your throat and teeth during this time period.

Remedy: An effective Rahu Transit 2022 remedy would be to eat your meals in silver utensils or wear an iron ring on the middle finger of your working hand.

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