Jupiter Transit 2020: Effects on your Zodiac Sign

Jupiter Transit 2020 Jupiter Transit 2020 provides you the complete information on the transit and its impact on all the zodiac signs. The planet of expansion, Jupiter holds immense importance in Vedic Astrology. It is regarded as the teacher of the Devtas. The planet rules over two Zodiac Signs, Sagittarius and Pisces. It is exalted in Cancer and debilitated in Capricorn. A benefic Jupiter helps the native to become a lawyer, editor, teacher, jury member, Ayurveda doctor, professor, bank manager, etc. The impact of Jupiter on one's mind is highly significant. This is why Jupiter is also known as the planet of wisdom.

हिंदी में पढ़ें - गुरु गोचर 2020

Till 29th March 2020, Jupiter will be posited in its own sign Sagittarius. On 29th March, Jupiter will transit in Capricorn and will remain there till 30th June 2020. The planet Jupiter will then retrograde back into its own sign, Sagittarius on 30th June, 2020. This retrograde motion of Jupiter will end on 20th November 2020, marking its transit from Sagittarius to Capricorn. Jupiter will remain posited in the same sign during the remaining part of the year.

Jupiter Transit 2020 Day Date Time
Sagittarius to Capricorn Monday 29 March 2020 19:08
Capricorn to Sagittarius Tuesday 30 June 2020 16:30
Sagittarius to Capricorn Friday 20 November 2020 06:26

Jupiter Transit 2020: Aries Horoscope Predictions

According to Jupiter Transit 2020, the planet Jupiter is the lord of your 9th and 12th house. It will be present in your ninth house as the year begins. You will be in good kilter by the grace of Jupiter, which will result in good mental and physical health. Peace and harmony will prevail in your life. You will excel in your respective fields of education. You will have better prospects in your business due to the transit of Jupiter in the house of business and will be rewarded for your efforts at your workplace. Investments will yield good results. Dealing in land and property will be beneficial for you. Also, dream of buying a new house will come true. If you are single, you may find your soulmate, and if married, there will be marital bliss. Jupiter transit will improve your financial conditions during the month-end. You’ll feel interested in spiritual tasks and there will be chances of travelling to religious places.

Remedy: Apply saffron tilak on your forehead every day and worship the banana tree.

Jupiter Transit 2020: Taurus Horoscope Predictions

Jupiter Transit 2020 explains that planet Jupiter is the lord of the eighth and eleventh house for the zodiac sign Taurus. Jupiter will be posited in your eighth house during the first phase of the year. You will reap the sweet fruits of labour done before. The results will be exceptionally good for those working in the field of research. In case you’re planning to go overseas, you can fulfil it along with overcoming all the obstacles. Expect profit from ancestral property. Health-related problems may trouble you during this time. With Jupiter’s transit, your opportunities to explore, discover and learn will significantly expand. Consume healthy foods and take good care of your stomach and liver. It seems to be the best time for business. Finish new projects on time so as to as garner appreciation.

Jupiter Transit 2020 also explains that with Jupiter in your eighth house, you will develop a religious bent of mind. During Jupiter's retrograde motion, you will be required to complete your tasks within time if you want to achieve good results. Procrastination is not a good trait, and it may also create problems for you. During the last days of the year, you need to be careful about making monetary transactions, as carrying out any can cause losses. Jupiter's transit in Capricorn may trigger chaos at your home. You may find yourself stressed and tensed during the last few months of the year.

Remedy: You should distribute stationery to students on Thursday, this year, and water the Peepal tree.

Also Read: Psychic reading and its types.

Jupiter Transit 2020: Gemini Horoscope Predictions

According to Jupiter Transit 2020, the natives of Gemini will have Jupiter in their seventh house at the beginning of the year. Jupiter is the lord of your seventh house and tenth house. The specified position of Jupiter will pan out to be favourable for you. As a result, you will be in pink health. The natives of moon sign Gemini can complete their pending tasks. Business will expand and yield good results. You will be able to stabilize your financial conditions. This period will fetch rewards for your hard work. A close female friend will serve to be your helping hand and will give you all the support that you will need.

The prevailing stress in your married life may decrease, however, the transit of Jupiter can create a rift between you and your life partner. You need to be alert for the same after planet Jupiter retrogrades. Past the month of June, the field of research will pique your interest. You will be required to concentrate on your studies if you want to achieve good results. You may switch your stream of education during this period. There are chances that you will set your foot on a foreign journey, but stay alert as there are chances of accident.

Remedy: Recite the Shiva Sahastranama Stotra regularly and fast on Thursdays.

Jupiter Transit 2020: Cancer Horoscope Predictions

Jupiter governs the sixth and ninth house of Cancerians. The year 2020 will start with Jupiter posited in your sixth house as per Jupiter Transit 2020. This will help you to get rid of your existing health problems. However, you should try to consume fresh and healthy food if you do not want your digestive system to suffer.

A loan that was pending will be repaid by you. This will help you take a burden off your chest. Following the transit of Jupiter in Capricorn, you will be able to expand your business as you will possess the required money and skills. There might be problems and misunderstandings among your family members. Make efforts to reunite your family. You will emerge victorious in matters of litigation. The retrograde motion which will start on 30th June will bring about some serious problems in your married life, which you will be required to take care of. As the retrograde period ends, singles may find the love of their life.

Remedy: Fast on every Thursday and wear the Panch Mukhi/ Five Faced Rudraksha on a yellow thread, around your neck.

Jupiter Transit 2020: Leo Horoscope Predictions

The fifth and eighth houses to your Moon Sign are ruled by Jupiter. Jupiter’s placement in your fifth house will make the initial months of the year favourable for you according to Jupiter Transit 2020. Your performance in your educational field will be remarkable. The harder you work, the better results you will get. You will have the support of your seniors as well as your teachers. Going abroad for pursuing higher education will be easy for you. With the transit of Jupiter to the moon sign Capricorn, you may have to face health issues. Your opponents will try their best to bring you down during this time. Avoid switching your job during mid-year. Stay away from controversial matters. You will benefit from your marriage. Being careful during the end of the year is advised. Avoid giving or taking loans during this period. Issues with your life partner will get resolved, and the environment within the house will be better. There are chances of you going to a pilgrimage with your better half.

Remedy: Worship Lord Shiva regularly and offer him wheat. Also, offer food to Brahmins on Thursday.

Also Read: The benefits of Acupressure Massage.

Jupiter Transit 2020: Virgo Horoscope Predictions

Planet Jupiter will be in your fourth house during the beginning of the year. It, being the lord of your fourth and seventh house, indicates expansion in business as per Jupiter Transit 2020. You may also plan to lay the groundwork for a new business venture. Business partnerships during this phase shall prove to be favourable. Virgos will be able to bag the job of their choice. You will enjoy a lucrative salary package as well. Your hard work and efforts done at your workplace will be financially rewarded. You may lay your hands on a promotion.

Jupiter Transit 2020 also explains that because of the Jupiter transit in Capricorn, you will excel in your studies. Your relationship will your children will improve. Try to reconcile with people with whom you have problems. You may own a new home or a vehicle. As Jupiter retrogrades, your lost love may step back into your life. Chances of love marriage are high. Childbirth in your family during the end of the year will bring happiness. If you apply for a loan, it will get sanctioned. You may also get to hear some good news.

Remedy: You should wear a gold chain around your neck on a Thursday. Also, offer Besan ka Halwa (pudding of gram flour) to Lord Vishnu and distribute it to people as Prasad, and then eat it yourself too.

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Jupiter Transit 2020: Libra Horoscope Predictions

Jupiter rules the third and sixth houses from your Moon Sign. It will be placed in the third house at the beginning of the year. You will enjoy an ecstatic married life. You will be a loyal and committed partner and will set an example for others to follow. Some great achievement in the life of your soulmate during this period is predicted. You are likely to get more attached to your mother while Jupiter transits. Her teachings and blessings will be your keys to success. At home, peace and harmony will prevail.

There may be some obstacles at your work front. You should stay patient and handle them with maturity. With the retrograde motion of Jupiter, your family life will become peaceful. You will earn name and fame if you are in the field of sports. Your career graph will rise slowly and gradually. With Jupiter’s retrograde motion, your financial conditions will improve. Arguments with your children will become the major cause of your worries. Post September, you will develop a religious bent of mind. You may bag a promotion or a hike in your salary. Maintain a healthy relationship with your seniors.

Remedy: Offer chickpeas to a temple on Thursday and donate reading material to students.

Jupiter Transit 2020: Scorpio Horoscope Predictions

Jupiter is the lord of your second and fifth house. It will be placed in your second house during the initial phase of the year as per Jupiter Transit 2020. You will strike it rich during this period. You will give golden pieces of advice to others. You should not make a promise that you cannot keep. Although, this period looks to be bright for your business, investing money and starting a new line of work is something you should stay away from. New projects will fall in your lap as Jupiter transits into Capricorn. You will be praised at your work front if you complete your work in the prescribed manner within the stipulated time. There are chances of internal conflicts within your family. Tables will turn and everything will eventually fall in place with the end of the retrograde motion of Jupiter. Your married life will be good and your children will be the apple of your eyes.

Remedy: Feed jaggery filled flour dough pellets to a brown cow, after applying a tilak of turmeric to the dough. Also, respect your elders.

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Jupiter Transit 2020: Sagittarius Horoscope Predictions

Planet Jupiter is not only the lord of your own zodiac sign but also the lord of fourth house. Being posited in your own house as the year 2020 begins it will bestow upon you a beneficial time according to Jupiter Transit 2020. The field of academics, religion, spirituality, and knowledge will pique your interest. You will be fit as a fiddle during this stretch of time.

With the transit of Jupiter in Capricorn into your second house, you will possess magnetic communication skills. Your financial conditions will remarkably improve. As Jupiter retrogrades, your pending tasks will be completed. Love marriages can be planned during this time. The chances of you fetching a job during this period are low. You should take every step carefully during the last months of the year. Retrieving the money that you have lent to others will not be an easy task but you will be able to do it if you handle the situation tactfully.

Remedy: To get favorable results, you should wear the Yellow Sapphire (Pukhraj) gemstone, on your forefinger. Wear this, mounted on a gold ring, between 12 to 1 o'clock on Thursday afternoon.

Jupiter Transit 2020: Capricorn Horoscope Predictions

According to Jupiter Transit 2020As the year 2020 begins, you will have Jupiter posited in your twelfth house. Jupiter is the lord of your third and twelfth house. Its position will fetch you good results from foreign journeys. You may as well travel to religious places to obtain peace of mind. You may find a partner with whom you will connect on a whole new level.

On March 30, Jupiter will transit into your own sign. As a result, you will develop an inclination towards learning and education. You will work hard in your academics. You will earn name and fame. As the retrograde motion of Jupiter begins, you might have to face issues in your marital life. Investing your money does not seem to be a good idea. With the end of retrograde period, you should be more careful in financial matters. There are chances that an old friend might betray you.

Remedy: Wear the root of the Peepal tree to get the blessings of Lord Jupiter. You can sew this root in a yellow cloth or thread and wear it on your arm or around your neck.

Jupiter Transit 2020: Aquarius Horoscope Predictions

Jupiter rules the second and eleventh house from your Moon Sign as per Jupiter Transit 2020. It will be placed in your eleventh house during the beginning of the year and remain posited there till 29th March, 2020. During this time, you will receive huge profits. You will receive income from more than one source. You will be able to conclude your unfinished tasks. Your social circle will expand as you will befriend a number of people. You will enjoy the company of your friend and will often hang out with them. The planet Jupiter will transit in your twelfth house at the end of March. This will provide you many opportunities to travel abroad. You will succeed in matters of litigation. Investments related to land and property will bring your wealth. There are chances of an accident during the end of the year. Take care of your health and drive safely.

Remedy: Offer water to the Peepal Tree, without touching it, every Thursday. Also, if possible, cook yellow rice and offer it to Goddess Saraswati.

Also Read: KP Astrology

Jupiter Transit 2020: Pisces Horoscope Predictions

According to Jupiter Transit 2020, Jupiter which is the lord of your own sign also rules your tenth house. As the year begins, Jupiter will be posited in your tenth house. You will have better prospects in your business and will be rewarded for your efforts at your workplace. This will be a golden period to get ahead with the idea of starting a new business. You will invest your time and energy for performing well in your profession. The transit of Jupiter from Sagittarius to Capricorn in March-end will place from your eleventh house. You will have the support and cooperation from your friends. Bagging a good job with a booming salary package will be a piece of cake for you.

During Jupiter's retrograde motion, you will be able to manage your expenses. Your hard work will not go in vain. The support of your seniors will push you up the ladder of success. As the retrograde motion ends, Jupiter will again transit in Capricorn. The interference of a third person in your married life might create a rift between you and your partner. You should handle the adverse situations with a mature and sincere approach.

Remedy: Chant the Jupiter Beej Mantra daily, starting from Thursday: “oṃ grāṃ grīṃ grauṃ saḥ guruve namaḥ/ॐ ग्रां ग्रीं ग्रौं सः गुरुवे नमः” and mostly wear yellow and cream colored clothes.

Here, at AstroSage, we wish Jupiter Transit 2020 bestows luck and happiness upon you. May you achieve what you aim for. Best wishes!

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