Marriage Muhurat 2020 - Hindu Marriage Dates

Marriage Muhurat 2020: Marriage is one of the sixteen samskaras in Hinduism that begin before the birth of a native and ends posthumously. The Hindu Shastras describe these traditions that not only define the significant points in a native’s life but also gives them meaning – astrological, religious, as well as scientific. The Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020 table below contains the complete list of Vivah muhurat 2020 with date, day, nakshatra, and muhurat duration. Additionally, you can also learn more about the Vivah Sanskar 2020, why marriage muhurat 2020 is significant, and the various rituals to do during the marriage lagna or Vivah lagna.

Marriage muhurat 2020

हिंदी में पढ़ें - विवाह मुहूर्त 2020

Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020

Marriage Muhurat 2020 January
Date Day Month/Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
15 January Wednes. Magha K. Panchami Uttara Phalguni From 07:15 to 21:12
From 23:36 to 25:42
16 January Thurs. Magha K. Shashti Hasta Chitra From 25:19 to 26:30
From 26:30 to 31:15
17 January Friday Magha K. Saptami Chitra Swati From 07:15 to 25:12
From 25:12 to 31:12
18 January Saturday Magha K. Navami Swati From 07:15 to 12:25
From 18:28 to 24:15
19 January Sunday Magha K. Dashmi Anuradha From 26:51 to 31:15
20 January Monday Magha K. Ekadashi Anuradha From 07:15 to 23:16
26 January Sunday Magha S. Dwitiya Dhanishta From 26:24 to 30:48
29 January Wednes. Magha S. Chaturthi Uttara Bhadrapada From 12:13 to 31:11
30 January Thurs. Magha S. Panchami Uttara Bhadrapada Revati From 07:11 to 15:12 From 15:12 to 31:10
31 January Friday Magha S. Shashti Revati Ashwini From 07:10 to 17:22 From 18:58 to 31:10
Marriage Muhurat 2020 February
Date Day Month/Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
1 February Saturday Magha S. Saptami Ashwini From 07:10 to 18:11
3 February Monday Magha S. Navami Rohini From 24:52 to 31:08
4 February Tuesday Magha S. Dashmi Rohini From 07:08 to 25:49
9 February Sunday Magha Purnima Magha From 20:31 to 31:04
10 February Monday Phalguna K. Pratipada Magha From 070:4 to 11:31
From 13:55 to 17:06
11 February Tuesday Phalguna K. Tritiya Uttara Phalguni From 14:23 to 15:35
14 February Friday Phalguna K. Shashti Swati From 13:03 to 14:48
15 February Saturday Phalguna K. Saptami Anuradha From 29:09 to 30:59
16 February Sunday Phalguna K. Ashtami Anuradha From 06:59 to 11:48
From 15:24 to 28:53
25 February Tuesday Phalguna S. Dwitiya Uttara Bhadrapada From 19:10 to 30:50
26 February Wednes. Phalguna S. Tritiya U. Bhadrapada Revati From 06:50 to 22:08 From 22:08 to 30:49
27 February Thurs. Phalguna S. Chaturthi Revati From 06:49 to 17:29
28 February Friday Phalguna S. Panchami Ashwini From 06:48 to 15:24
From 20:22 to 28:03
Marriage Muhurat 2020 March
Date Day Month/Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
10 March Tuesday Chaitra K. Pratipada Hasta From 22:01 to 30:35
11 March Wednes. Chaitra K. Dwitiya Hasta From 06:35 to 19:00
Marriage Muhurat 2020 April
Date Day Month/Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
16 April Thurs. Vaisakha K. Navami Dhanishta From 23:05 to 29:54
17 April Friday Vaisakha K. Dashmi Uttara Bhadrapada From 05:54 to 07:05
From 20:04 to 25:36
25 April Saturday Vaisakha S. Dwitiya Rohini From 20:57 to 29:45
26 April Sunday Vaisakha S. Tritiya Rohini From 05:45 to 22:56
Marriage Muhurat 2020 May
Date Day Month/Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
1 May Friday Vaisakha S. Ashtami Magha From 25:53 to 29:40
2 May Saturday Vaisakha S. Navami Magha From 05:40 to 09:03
From 14:05 to 23:40
4 May Monday Vaisakha S. Ekadashi Uttara Phalguni Hasta From 08:57 to 19:19 From 19:19 to 28:44
5 May Tuesday Vaisakha S. Trayodashi Hasta From 05:56 to 16:39
6 May Wednes. Vaisakha S. Chaturdashi Chitra Chitra From 05:36 to 13:51 From 1:351 to 19:45
15 May Friday Jyeshtha K. Ashtami Dhanishta From 05:30 to 08:29
17 May Sunday Jyeshtha K. Dashmi Uttara Bhadrapada From 13:58 to 27:32
18 May Monday Jyeshtha K. Ekadashi Uttara Bhadrapada Revati From 05:19 to 16:58 From 16:58 to 28:29
19 May Tuesday Jyeshtha K. Dwadashi Revati From 05:28 to 17:32
23 May Saturday Jyeshtha S. Pratipada Rohini From 24:17 to 28:51
Marriage Muhurat 2020 June
Date Day Month/Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
11 June Thurs. Ashadha K. Shashti Dhanishta From 11:28 to 16:35
15 June Monday Ashadha K. Dashmi Revati From 05:23 to 16:31
17 June Wednes. Ashadha K. Ekadashi Ashwini From 05:23 to 06:04
27 June Saturday Ashadha S. Saptami Uttara Phalguni From 23:07 to 26:54
29 June Monday Ashadha S. Navami Chitra From 07:14 to 29:22
30 June Tuesday Ashadha S. Dashmi Chitra From 05:27 to 05:39
Hindu Marriage Dates In 2020 November
Date Day Month/Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
27 November Friday Karthik S. Dwadashi Ashwini From 08:28 to 24:22
29 November Sunday Karthik S. Chaturdashi Rohini From 30:03 to 30:56
30 November Monday Karthik Purnima Rohini From 06:56 to 30:57
Hindu Marriage Dates In 2020 December
Date Day Month/Tithi Nakshatra Muhurat Duration
1 December Tuesday Margashirsha K. Pratipada Rohini From 06:57 to 08:30
7 December Monday Margashirsha K. Saptami Magha From 07:40 to 14:32
9 December Wednes. Margashirsha K. Navami Hasta From 12:32 to 26:08
10 December Thurs. Margashirsha K. Dashmi Chitra From 12:52 to 31:04
11 December Friday Margashirsha K. Ekadashi Chitra From 07:04 to 08:48

Vivah Muhurat 2020: Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020

The marriage ceremony is a sacred union of two souls. Two entirely different people come together, end their separate existences to form a united entity. With the commemoration under the auspicious Marriage Muhurat 2020, they promise to stand strong together, through all the good and bad times in their life. God created man and woman with many positive traits and some imperfections. When they come together, they use their features to overcome each other’s shortcomings. This is why the Vivah Sanskar, the fifteenth of the sixteen sanskars is one of the most important, and why kundali matching and Hindu marriage dates in 2020 are equally essential.

As per the ancient scriptures, the Vivah Sanskar enables a person to do Yagya for the Devtas and carry forward their dynasty. Additionally, as they fulfil their responsibilities, they move ahead on the path to Moksha (Salvation). Before finalising the relation, there is the tradition of kundli matching . At least 18 of the 36 gunas of the couple should match, in order for them to have a happy marital life. The ceremony needs to occur in a shubh muhurat 2020, like any essential task. Thus, the calculation of Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020 is crucial.

Marriage Muhurat 2020: Stages of Marriage Ceremony

The Shastras describe the following stages in a marriage ceremony, to be held on one of the Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020:

  1. People from the groom’s side will visit the girl’s house.
  2. Once the girl’s father accepts their proposal on his daughter’s behalf, then the groom will do a Yagya. They decide on one from the Hindu marriage dates in 2020.
  3. On the day of the marriage lagna, the bride bathes in the morning.
  4. A priest does the Yagya on behalf of the bride’s family, and four or eight married women celebrate and bless the bride by dancing before the Vivah lagna.
  5. The groom goes to the bride’s home and presents her with clothes, mirror, and ubatan on the decided Hindu marriage dates in 2020.
  6. Next, in the Marriage Muhurat 2020, the Kanyadaan is done. In this ceremony, the father of the bride formally gives away his daughter to the groom.
  7. The groom holds the right hand of the girl with his right hand. This ritual is called Paanigrahan. The husband promises that he holds her hand with the desire to live as her husband. He vows to fulfil all his duties towards her as a Grahasth. He makes this promise, under the eyes of Gods and in the shubh marriage muhurat 2020.
  8. During the Vivah muhurat 2020, the bride places her foot on the Pashan Shila. With this, she claims that her love for her husband is as strong as the rock.
  9. Next comes the Agni Parinayan. This is an essential part, where the bride and groom take seven rounds (Pradakshina) around the holy fire. During this, they take seven vows to each other, which are blessed by all the Gods and Goddesses, and the holy fire of Yagya. Since the marriage ceremony is held on one of the Hindu marriage dates in 2020, the bride and the groom will receive positive results in their marital life.
  10. Laaja-Hom or the offering of Kheel is next. The bride offers Kheel to the Gods Aryama, Varuna, Pusha, and Agni on this auspicious Hindu marriage dates in 2020 for a pleasant and happy married life.
  11. The bride and the groom then walk seven steps together (Saptapadi). This indicates that they will do everything together throughout their life.

In the end, the groom takes the bride home.

Marriage Muhurat 2020 – Hindu Marriage Dates In 2020

The rituals and traditions of the Hindu marriage ceremony are self-explanatory, justifying that the wedding is not a contract or bargain, but instead a holy bond. Like any auspicious task, Shastras insist that one should organise the Vivah Sanskar in a shubh muhurat 2020. The calculations of Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020 depends on the panchang and kundali of the bride and the groom.

Several factors are taken into account while computing the Marriage Muhurat 2020. One should not organise the Vivah Sanskar during the Chaturmas, the four lunar months when Lord Vishnu goes to sleep in the Ksheer Sagar. Any essential task is prohibited in this duration. In the same vein, marriage should also not be held during the Kharmas, when the Sun transits through the zodiac sign Sagittarius. Also, it is not be held during Adhika Masa, Kshaya Masa, and Pitru Paksha or Mahalaya Shraddha period. All these things and more should be kept in mind while deciding on one of the Hindu marriage dates in 2020; otherwise, it is considered inauspicious.

Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020: Auspicious Panchang

In addition to this, when the Sun is transiting through the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Scorpio, Capricorn, and Aquarius will be the best Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020. On the flip side, when it is making its transitory motion through Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces are not suitable for Marriage Muhurat 2020.

The favourable nakshatras for Hindu Marriage Dates in 2020 are Rohini, Mrigashirsha, Magha, Uttara Phalguni, Hasta, Swati, Anuradha, Moola, Uttara Ashadha, Uttara Bhadrapada, and Revati. Similarly, the beneficial days for Vivah Muhurat 2020 are Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday; whereas the tithis to consider are Dwitiya, Tritiya, Panchami, Saptami, Ekadashi, and Trayodashi (second, third, fifth, seventh, eleventh, thirteenth day).

The correct calculation of Marriage Muhurat 2020 is crucial. Shastras maintain that if one does not organise a wedding in shubh muhurat 2020, then numerous atrocities can befall them.

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