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Venus Retrograde In Cancer (23rd July, 2023)

Venus Retrograde In Cancer: One of the most significant planets in Vedic astrology, Venus, is set to retrograde in Cancer on July 23, 2023, at 6:01 AM. Venus is a feminine planet that stands for affection, attractiveness, and attraction. We are concentrating on Venus Retrograde in Cancer in this article, along with both potential positive and negative effects.

Read Intrinsic Details About Venus Retrograde In Cancer

Venus generates favorable effects when positioned in its own zodiac signs of Taurus and Libra, but Venus that is exalted in Pisces delivers more effective outcomes.

The fourth sign of the natural zodiac, Cancer is a moving, aquatic, and feminine sign. The fourth house is a symbol for mother, transportation, and comforts. Learn how this period will affect the various facets of your zodiac sign.

Let's go ahead and learn through this special article what effects the impending Venus Retrograde in Cancer 2023 will have on the lives of the 12 zodiac signs and what steps can be made to prevent them.

Know The Impact Of Venus Retrograde In Cancer On Your Life From Best Astrologers On Call

Venus In Astrology

Venus is regarded as the planet of beauty in astrology and represents all worldly pleasures. This planet, which resembles a very bright star, stands for beauty and brings enjoyment into our lives. When a strong Venus is present in a person's horoscope, all comforts, prestige, and happiness—both bodily and mental happiness—are bestowed upon the native.

When Venus is in its ideal position in a person's horoscope, the influence of Venus on astrology grants that individual peace of mind. Positive results, however, also depend on whether Venus is unaffected by malevolent planets like Rahu/Ketu and Mars. In other words, for Venus to produce the optimum outcomes, it must not be afflicted by the aforementioned malefic planets.

When Venus conjoins a strong Saturn, the consequences are typically positive, and the person may profit from a favorable career, reputation, promotions, financial advantages, and other outcomes. Venus, on the other hand, brings about unfavorable outcomes such as issues with women, financial loss, criminal affairs, etc. A native who has Venus improperly positioned in their horoscope may suffer significant mental unrest and struggle to make important decisions.

A person experiences material satisfaction, luxuries, renown, etc. in life thanks to the benign effect of the planet Venus. The period of Venus is significant in Vedic astrology because it has both fortunate and unfortunate impacts on each person's life, but because it is a naturally benevolent planet, it tends to be fortunate.

Taurus and Libra are two zodiac signs ruled by the planet. Venus is a symbol for attraction, beauty, youth, desire for and fulfillment from love in our lives. It also stands for money, prosperity, pleasure, joy, and enjoyment of wealth. Additionally, it is an indication of artistic endeavors, including music, design, entertainment, shows, media, the movie industry, fashion, jewelry, and other precious stones and cosmetics, as well as high-end travel, high-end dining, and high-end transportation. A great actor or actress could be made by benevolent Venus working with powerful Rahu.

The Predictions In This Article Are Based On Moon Signs. Call the best astrologers on the phone and know in detail about the impact of Venus Retrograde In Cancer on your life.

हिंदी में पढ़ने के लिए यहाँ क्लिक करें:शुक्र कर्क राशि में वक्री (23 जुलाई)

Venus Retrograde In Cancer: Horoscope For All Zodiac Signs

Let us now look at the effects of the Venus Retrograde In Cancer 2023 on each zodiac sign, as well as possible remedies:


For the Aries natives, Venus rules the second house of family, finances, and speech, seventh house of life partner, and eleventh house of money gains, desires, elder siblings, and paternal uncle.

Venus as the second and seventh house lord occupies the fourth house in retrogression during this period.

On the career front, this retrograde phenomenon may not be an easy phase for prosperity with respect to the same. There may not be proper recognition for the natives during Venus Retrograde In Cancer despite the hard work being done and this may cause worries for the natives. Natives may be committing errors in their work during this movement.

On the business front, natives who are in business may not be in a position to flourish in a high manner as there may be heavy competition with the competitors and this may leave a huge gap behind. Natives may be pursuing old business techniques which may not serve the purpose during Venus Retrograde In Cancer. There may be some huge loss that these natives may be incurring in business during this time.

On the financial side, this movement of Venus may not be a healthy one as there may be high expenses that may be on which the natives may be unable to manage during this course of time. Natives may be opting for loans during this time in order to meet their huge commitments as managing the existing situation may appear to be a little tough for them. Natives may be forced to spend huge money on investing in buying property during this course of time.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may witness less relationship with their life partner due to lack of understanding and satisfaction. So due to this, there may be a huge gap left in meeting with harmony in family and in relationship. There may be issues in the family with respect to property and relationship issues which may spoil the happiness during this course of time.

When it comes to health, these natives may not be in a position to maintain effectiveness and enthusiasm which may bring down the cheerfulness during this time. As a result, natives may be losing energy and this may in turn get reflected in the poor state of health like severe cough and cold. Also during this time, natives may be spending more for the health of their mother.

From the fourth house, Venus aspects the tenth house of career. Due to this, natives may be losing their comforts with respect to health, and also lose some good chances in their career. Due to the above, natives may need to pursue more ground work in their career and give their best in their work.

Remedy- Chant “Om Shukraya Namah” daily 24 times.


For Taurus natives, Venus is the first and sixth house lord. The first house denotes life, personality, etc., and the sixth house denotes sorrows, debts and legal problems.

Venus as the first and sixth house lord and occupies the third house in retrogression during this period.

Due to the above, development and good results may be possible for these natives during this movement. Natives may be blessed with valuable chances during this course of time with respect to gaining new friends and associates. They may be blessed with valuable chances in pursuing long travel.

On the career front, this Venus Retrograde In Cancer will be smooth in context to new careers as new opportunities are possible for these natives, especially on-site opportunities, which they will cherish. There will be more growth and satisfaction for these natives with respect to their jobs. Natives may be busy on travel with respect to jobs on assignment basis.

Natives who are in business may be able to derive good profits during this course of time and they may get new business openings abroad which they may be able to cherish the most during Venus Retrograde In Cancer. They may be in a position to compete with their competitors and provide a strong fight to emerge as a successful business entity.

On the financial side, the natives will gain good money if they are abroad during this time. This may be the time for the natives to invest money in buying property and get useful returns from the same. The savings potential of these natives may be increasing.

On the relationship front, natives may be facing more arguments with their life partner due to wrong understanding which may dampen their happiness. Relationship problems may be due to issues in the family which might disturb the proceedings etc.

On the health front, natives may not be facing much health problems with their health and only small health issues. But, natives during this time may not meet with high health problems, but there may be health problems, eye related irritations etc. On the other hand, natives may be incurring more expenses for the health of their mother.

From the third house, Venus aspects the ninth house of travel. Due to the above, natives may be having more long distance travel and some may even settle abroad during this course of time. Natives may be highly successful in their efforts and they may be able to pursue the same with more self confidence.

Remedy- Perform Yagya-Havan for Sri Lakshmi on Friday.


For Gemini natives, Venus is the fifth and twelfth house lord. The fifth house denotes past deeds, childbirth, intelligence and interest in creative pursuits, while the twelfth house denotes losses, expenses, and traveling abroad.

Venus retrograde in the second house for the Gemini natives may not be favorable and could confer high expenses despite the earnings. During this time, natives may be forced to spend more and save in a moderate manner. Natives who are engaged in practices like trades and shares may be in a fine position to gain well.

On the career front, natives during Venus Retrograde In Cancer may need to apply their intelligence in a very high manner during this movement to shine well in their work. Else natives may be meeting with more problems in their career. Work pressure and lack of recognition may be present for them during this course of time and thereby natives need to stimulate their positive energy in making their career as an enterprising one.

For the natives who are doing business may face obstacles and face less prosperity in terms of profits. Profits may not be possible for them immediately and they need to rely on their skills to make business big on par with their competitors or else, natives may land themselves in trouble ending in loss. During Venus Retrograde In Cancer, it may be a situation of gains and loss.

On the financial side, it could be said that both money gains and expenses may be possible and expenses may be on the increasing side. To cover these expenses, natives need to opt for big loans which may put themselves in further trouble.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may not be meeting with cordial relationships with their life partner and there may be lack of coordination and lack of understanding that prevent the natives to maintain more satisfaction in the relationship.

On the health front, natives may be having eye related infections and this may cause concern for them. Further natives may be put to the situation of spending more money for the health of their children.

From the second house, Venus aspects the eighth house and due to this natives may be put to increasing expenses which may be a high possibility and this may in return reduce the prosperity of the natives in accumulating further. There may also be disturbances in the family due to lack of understanding.

Remedy- Chant Shree Suktam daily.

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For Cancer natives, Venus is the fourth and eleventh house lord and the fourth house denotes material comforts, house, Vehicles and mother. On the other hand, the eleventh house denotes profits, fulfillment of desires, and elder siblings.

Venus movement in the first house for the Cancer natives may not be highly satisfactory and results may not be cordial. Disturbances in family and issues in family may be present during this course of time. Sometimes money gains may be on high note and sometimes it might lead to high expenses.

On the career front, this period may not be an encouraging one. There may be some legal issues that these natives may be facing during Venus Retrograde In Cancer with respect to issues in job. Some may lose their jobs and some may change their jobs for better prospects.

For the natives who are doing business during this movement may not secure higher profits and there may be gaps in meeting with profits in business during this movement. This movement of Venus may be favorable for the natives who are into the business of export/import of milk products and realizing more profits may be possible for them. At the same time, some good anticipation is required for them during this time.

On the financial side, placement of Venus in the first house during this time, may bring in more expenses and scope for gaining more money may not be easily possible. Even if the natives may be gaining more they may not be in a position to save on high note.

When it comes to relationships, natives belonging to this sign may have problems in family and disputes over property related issues during Venus Retrograde In Cancer. There may be disputes in the family over several problems which may dampen the happiness with their life partner.

On the health front, natives may be facing high cold related problems and this may be possible due to allergies and other factors. Natives may be forced to spend more money for the health of their life partner.

From the first house, Venus aspects the seventh house of life partner, friends and relationship. Due to this, natives may be facing some disputes with their friends, life partners and in business. There may be more travel for these natives during this movement.

Remedy- Recite Durga Chalisa daily.


For Leo natives, Venus is the third and tenth house lord and the third house denotes siblings, courage and communication. Likewise, the tenth house denotes profession, reputation, status and opportunities etc.

This period in the twelfth house for the Leo natives will be beneficial when it comes to development in career and deriving satisfaction from the same. During Venus Retrograde In Cancer, on-site opportunities will be possible for them.

Venus movement will be in the twelfth house in retrograde movement during this course of time.

With Venus as the third house lord, the natives belonging to this zodiac may meet with change of place with respect to their profession and also they might get support from their superiors. On the personal front, natives belonging to this sign may get good support from their siblings. Next, Venus as the tenth house lord may give these natives satisfactory results in the form of new job opportunities.

For the natives who are doing business will get good profits and chances of pursuing more than one line of business, which will also be profitable.

On the financial side, placement of Venus in the twelfth house may give good money gains and promotion chances from career.

When it comes to relationships, these natives will attain good results and they might plan to tie the knot and natives who are wedded may be in a position to maintain good relationship with their life partner,

Health will be good for these natives. Natives belonging to this sign will be motivated and with this they will enhance their health prospects.

From the twelfth house, Venus aspects the sixth house of comforts. Due to this, natives belonging to this sign may not be in a good position to meet with success. There may be large expenses during Venus Retrograde In Cancer and due to this, natives may be put to borrowing more in the form of loans.

Remedy- Chant Aditya Hridayam sanskrit text daily.

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For Virgo natives, Venus is a friendly planet and is the second and ninth house lord placed in the eleventh house. Venus period in Cancer in the eleventh house is said to be the most positive placement for these natives as it is placed in its own sign. Venus’ placement is good for gaining good money for these natives. Then as the ninth house lord, Venus placed in the ninth house itself may confer more luck, exciting foreign travel chances, etc. Natives will get support from their father during Venus Retrograde In Cancer.

On the career front, this period will bring benefits in the form of foreign travel and promotion and it could be a boom time for them gaining benefits with respect to work etc.

For the natives who are doing business will get good profits. Natives may get chances for doing multiple businesses and business in the form of outsourcing.

On the financial side, placement of Venus in the ninth house may provide the natives with a high level of luck in the form of gaining promotion from their career.

When it comes to relationships, these natives will get beneficial results and they will maintain relationships with life partners and enhance their bonding. Natives who are in love and waiting to get married may find this period more favorable.

Health will be favorable for these natives as Venus occupies its own sign. Natives may be enjoying a lot of comforts.

Venus aspects the fifth house from the eleventh house and due to this, natives may be in a position to maintain good relationships with their siblings, along with maintaining effective communication. There may also be good growth and luck during Venus Retrograde In Cancer for the natives belonging to this sign.

Remedy- Perform Yagya-havan for Lord Mercury on Wednesday.


For Libra natives, Venus is a friendly planet and it is the first and eighth house lord placed in the tenth house. Venus Retrograde In Cancer in the tenth house of Libra is said to be the moderate placement for these natives. As the first house lord, Venus in the tenth house may be giving certain health problems.

On the career front, this period may not be suitable as job pressure is possible for the natives which they may not be able to manage properly. Some natives may get chances to go abroad on assignment basis and such abroad travel may be very good for these natives. Gaining recognition will be difficult despite the hard work.

The natives who are doing business may need to be careful during Venus Retrograde In Cancer while taking major decisions as there are chances of facing loss due to negligence and wrong decision making.

On the financial side, placement of Venus in the tenth house may bring benefits in the form of inheritance and in speculation. Scope for savings will also be more.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may witness less closeness with their life partner and this may be possible due to arguments between them. Due to this, adjustment will be required to maintain happiness.

Health could take a toll for these natives as Venus occupies the tenth house and there may be chances for throat infections and skin problems.

From the tenth house, Venus aspects the fourth house and due to this, natives may not be in a position to maintain good relationships with their family members and there are chances for communication lapses. There may be loss of comfort.

Remedy- Perform Havan-Yagya for Goddess Lakshmi on Fridays.


For Scorpio natives, Venus is a malefic planet and Venus is the seventh and twelfth house lord placed in the ninth house. Venus period in Scorpio in the ninth house is going to be a less favorable placement for these natives. This position may give relationship problems and severe problems with business partners. Then as the twelfth house lord, Venus placed in the ninth house may not be a good placement and trigger issues related to family problems.

On the career front, this period might not be smooth as the natives may face relationship problems with colleagues and superiors. Natives may commit errors in the tasks that they are doing.

People who are doing business will need to be careful during this period while making major decisions like pursuing new business and more than one line of new business. During Venus Retrograde In Cancer, natives need to avoid going for partnership which may prove to lower the scope of progress for their business and then lead to loss.

On the financial side, placement of Venus in the ninth house could bring more expenses for these natives and there may be scope for loss of money while traveling. So, it is advised to avoid travel during Venus Retrograde In Cancer.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may witness lack of harmony with their life partner as there are chances for disputes

Health may not be quite good for these natives as Venus occupies the ninth house as the twelfth house lord. Particularly, natives may need to spend more for the health of their father and there may be certain issues.

From the ninth house, Venus aspects the third house and this may act as a constraint to go ahead for smoothness in relationship. Sensitive issues may prevail in relationships with their siblings.

Remedy- Chant the ancient text Lalitha Sahasranamam daily.

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For Sagittarius natives, Venus is a malefic planet and Venus is the sixth and eleventh house lord placed in the eighth house. Venus period in the eighth house is said to be a negative placement for these natives. As the sixth house lord, Venus placement in the ninth house may be giving debts and legal issues. Health for these natives may also get affected with allergies. On the other hand, as the eleventh house lord, Venus placed in the eighth house may give good success as they may try to opt and gain by inheritance.

With respect to the career, Venus Retrograde In Cancer may not be a smooth one as job pressure may be possible and there are chances for problems with superiors and colleagues. For some natives there may be chances for change of job with less income. Also, during this movement, relationships with superiors may not be up to the mark and there may be lack of recognition for the natives.

The natives who are doing business will need to be careful during Venus Retrograde In Cancer while taking major decisions like pursuing new business, as there may be chances for loss in business due to taking wrong decisions.

On the financial side, placement of Venus in the eighth house may lower the prospects in securing high money gains. Even if natives are able to gain more money, they may be put into the situation of facing debts as the commitment arises and to fill these commitments, natives need to borrow.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may witness lack of harmony. Due to this they need to adjust a lot with their life partner as there may be more arguments, and even small arguments may lead to big understanding issues. For some natives, there may be chances for legal issues with their life partner and situations of separation may arise.

There could be health issues for the natives as Venus occupies the eighth house as the sixth and eleventh house lord. Natives may be facing allergy issues like skin problems and eye related infections which may bother them. But no major problem may arise.

From the eighth house, Venus aspects the second house during this period and due to this, natives may be put into debt trap. For some natives medical expenses may be present.

Remedy- Perform Pooja for Jupiter on Thursdays.


For Capricorn natives, Venus is a fortune planet and Venus is the fifth and tenth house lord placed in the seventh house. Venus period in Cancer in the seventh house is said to be a very good placement for the natives belonging to this sign. Venus placed in the seventh house may be a rich one and confer these natives with high-end benefits in the form of more money and extreme satisfaction.

With respect to career, Venus Retrograde In Cancer will be highly productive as the natives may be in a position to reach top position in their career and there may also be chances for new job chances in the form of abroad opportunities.

The natives who are doing business will find their heydays during Venus Retrograde In Cancer in seventh as their decision making will be highly conducive for venturing into profitable business ventures. Natives may succeed if they indulge in speculation and trading business.

On the financial front, placement of Venus in the seventh house may shoot up money fortunes and provide scope to save more. Natives will be able to gain a lot of money.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may be busy engaging in love if they are getting married. Those who are already married may experience a favorable time to show more love to their life partner.

Health will be rigorous due to the benefic position of Venus and there may not be major health problems.

From the seventh house, Venus aspects the first house during this period, so natives will be on cloud nine with respect to accumulating more benefits. There will be happiness in the family and natives may witness daily development. Relationships with life partners may also be strong.

Remedy- Perform Yagya-Havan for planet Hanuman on Saturdays.


For Aquarius natives, Venus is a fortune planet and Venus is the fourth and ninth house lord, placed in the fourth house. Venus period in Cancer in the sixth house may not be a good placement for the Aquarius natives. Venus placed in the sixth house may give the natives a reduction in comfort and there will be high chances for the natives to meet with obstacles.

On the career front, this movement may not be highly auspicious and there could be less job chances and gaining recognition from the same may not be easily possible. Some natives may change their jobs for better prospects and to earn more income from their work. But the same may not be easily possible for the natives.

The natives who are doing business may not witness high prosperity with respect to the same and gaining high levels of profits may not be easily possible. There may be high competition for the natives during Venus Retrograde In Cancer who are in business and they may not be in a position to manage the same effectively. Sometimes situations of no-profit/no loss may be possible during this course of time.

On the financial side, placement of Venus in the sixth house may reduce the prosperity and luck for the natives and due to this gaining more money may not be easily possible. Commitments may be increasing for the natives in the family and due to this, natives may be put under more stress and might not be in a position to manage the same, opting for loans and borrowing.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may be facing disputes with their life partner due to less understanding and lack of bonding which may bring down the closeness. It may be essential for these natives to adjust with their life partner and enhance the stability and values in the relationship.

Health may not be fine for the natives during Venus Retrograde In Cancer as they may be subjected to severe colds and flu. Such things may be coming to you as you may be subjected to allergies.

From the sixth house, Venus aspects the twelfth house during this period so natives may be meeting with more loss and expenses will be increasing. They may also lose a lot of money while traveling.

Remedy- Chant the ancient text ‘Lalitha sahasranamam’ daily.


For Pisces natives, Venus is a malefic planet and Venus is the third and eighth house lord placed in the fifth house. Venus Retrograde in Cancer taking place in the fifth house of Pisces may not be an encouraging indicator for the natives and there may be lack of development during this period.

With respect to career, this movement will not be much favorable as there could be chances for errors that these natives may commit in their work due to negligence. Change of job due to some situations that may be present for these natives. Natives during this Venus movement may not be in a position to utilize valuable chances that they get during this course of time.

The natives who are doing business may not find this period to be favorable as they could face loss and lack of development during this period. Moderate profits may only be realized during this time by the natives. Sometimes natives may be facing a situation of No-Profit/No loss during this course of time and there may be heavy competition.

On the financial side, placement of Venus in the sixth house may lessen the scope of earning more money and may give more expenses which they may not be able to manage during this course of time. Those who are into shares etc may be in a better position to earn good money returns.

When it comes to relationships, these natives may not meet with success in relationships and there could be lack of love and bonding in relationships with their life partner. There may be more arguments and this may arise due to ego related problems which may be prevailing during Venus Retrograde In Cancer.

Health may not be good due to the position of Venus in the fifth house and there may be scope for allergies during this time. Further natives may need to spend more money for the health of their children.

From the fifth house, Venus aspects the eleventh house during this period, so natives may develop more interest in spiritual matters and gain from the same. Natives may be spending more money for the children.

Remedy- Perform Pooja for Lakshmi Kubera on Friday.

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