Mercury Transit In Scorpio
Dear readers this article holds the information about the effect of Mercury Transit in Scorpio sign but before moving to that part, lets us inform you that this is not a regular transit of Mercury in Scorpio sign because this time on 28th December 2023,at 11: 07 AM, it is getting direct on 2 January and will be present their till 7th January after that it will move to Sagittarius sign. This Mercury Transit In Scorpio is happening in Scorpio for a very short time span but it will be very impactful in people's life, Mercury will deliver the results which it has not delivered during its last transit in Scorpio or it will revive the problem or health issues you have faced during that time. So, before knowing the impact of this Transit over all zodiac signs, let's know a bit about planet Mercury, retrograde motion, direct motion or Scorpio sign.

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About Mercury Planet, Its Movements & Scorpio
According to Vedic science, the planet Mercury is considered as a young magnificent, seen as an imperial sovereign with information, capacity to think and extraordinary social capacities. It is the humblest and fastest moving planet after the Moon. It is moreover incredibly delicate like the Moon. And yet, it is likewise the Karka of information, capacity to learn, talk, reflexes, correspondence and specialized gadgets, business and banking, preparing, correspondence making, books, humor and all strategies for media. Out of the twelve zodiac signs, the planet has a lordship of two houses, Gemini and Virgo.
Scorpio sign is the most touchy sign among all the zodiac signs. It is the indication of furthest points. It controls highs and lows and consistent change in our life, it addresses covered up and skeletons in the closet of our life. Scorpio sign is additionally the Karaka for mineral and natural resources like petrol, oil and gas, gemstones etc. It additionally addresses mishaps, wounds, medical procedures in our day to day existence.
What Is Retrograde Motion
Cosmically Retrograde movement is an obvious change in the development of the planet through the sky. It isn't truly in that the planet doesn't genuinely begin moving in reverse in its orbit. It simply seems to do so on account of the general places of the planet and Earth and how they are moving around the Sun. However, in Vedic astrology it has a gigantic effect, the retrograde planet is known as Vakri Graha. There are many myths related to the term retrograde, it is generally not considered good, but actually during retrogression period planets become very powerful and deliver the results of transit which was not delivered now it could be good on bad depending on your natal chart and Dasha native is running through, it depends on us how much we are ready to face the results of this powerful planet, it ask us to reflect back on our action.
What Is Direct Motion
The expression "direct" alludes to a planet's movement when it has all the earmarks of being going ahead beyond the retrograde stage. Explicitness, instead of retrograde, means that planets are executing their ordinary exercises and their energy is detected remotely. At the point when a planet alters its direction from retrograde to direct, it seems to stop going for a concise timeframe. This is known as "stationing direct."
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The Predictions In This Article Are Based On Moon Signs. Call the best astrologers on the phone and know in detail about the impact ofMercury Transit In Scorpio on your life.
Mercury Transit In Scorpio: Zodiac Wise Prediction
Dear Aries natives, for you planet Mercury rules the third house and sixth house and now on 28th December it is getting transit in Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and your eighth house. The house of longevity, sudden happenings, secrecy, occult science and transformation. And the transit of Mercury in the eighth house is not considered good and this time its retrogression in the eighth house is making it worse. You might get into disputes and problems due to your communication. This Mercury Transit In Scorpio in the eighth house can revive the health issues from the past like you might suffer from skin problems or any disease related to the throat and due to sudden happenings you could also suffer from mental restlessness. This planetary position is happening for very short span of time but still you are advised to be conscious during this time you will feel the sense of relief after 2nd January 2024 when Mercury will get in direct motion.
Remedy - Respect transgenders and give them green color clothes if possible and take their blessing.
Dear Taurus natives, for you planet Mercury rules the second house and fifth house and now on 28th December it is transiting in Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and your seventh house of life partner and business partnership. So Taurus natives, this Mercury Transit In Scorpio in your seventh house is not favorable for your married life or for Taurus love birds especially for those who were trying to convert their love relationship in to marriage, if you were planning to introduce your partner to your family you are advised to postpone the plan for this time duration. This Mercury Transit In Scorpio is not favorable for the Taurus natives involved in the family business or are willing to start some partnership with a family member you might face lot of obstacle and misunderstanding with them during this time it's better to postpone the plan for few day and plan it after 2nd January 2024 when Mercury will get direct. And from the seventh house, Mercury is also aspecting your ascendant, so it could give some health issues or defame you.
Remedy- Keep indoor plants in your bedroom and nurture them.
Dear Gemini natives, for you planet Mercury rules the first house and fourth house and now on 28th December it is getting transiting in Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and your sixth house of enemies, health, competition and maternal uncle. So Gemini natives, this Mercury Transit In Scorpio is definitely not a good time as far as your wellbeing as well as your mom's well-being and because of that your clinical costs can rise, so you are recommended to likewise deal with the strength of your mom as well as your wellbeing. Your home devices could have intricacies because of the retrograde movement of the planet Mercury. Because of harm or issues with the vehicles, there might be a few extra expenses. It could revive ailments or legitimate questions.Furthermore, the twelfth house is aspected by retrograde Mercury, which could raise costs related with specific wellbeing concerns, improve the probability of extortion, and inflate costs related with paper-based or web exchanges including cash. Things will improve for you after 2nd January 2024 when Mercury will get in direct motion.
Remedy- Wear emeralds of 5-6 cts. Set it in either a silver or gold ring on Wednesday. This will bring auspicious results for the Virgo natives.
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Dear Cancer natives, for you planet Mercury rules the third house and twelfth house and now on 28th December it is getting transiting in Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and in your fifth house which represents our education, love relations, children and it is also the Purva Punya house. So, dear Cancer natives who are planning for serious tests could get demoralized and demotivated because of deferral of test date or issue in enlistment or desk work from your end. General under studies could likewise confront focus issues in examinations. Furthermore, expecting moms could confront a few complexities in their pregnancy and there could be some misunderstanding among the serious people in love. Thus, the disease love birds, the most effective way to escape this issue is to convey straightforwardly and talk your heart out while attempting to grasp the other individual's perspective. Because of the retrogation of the third ruler you might confront an absence of certainty and be somewhat confused during Mercury Transit In Scorpio. Also, Retrograde Mercury's being twelfth lord aspect on the 11th house your funds will get upset, your installments and compensation can get postponed. Your funds can stall out because of some off-base speculation choice. Thus, attempt to try not to make any venture right now. Things will improve for you after 2nd January 2024 when Mercury will get in direct motion.
Remedy- Donating books to the needy children and students and helping them in their studies will prove beneficial.
Dear Leo natives, for you planet Mercury rules the second house and eleventh house and now on 28th December it is getting transiting in Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and your fourth house mother, domestic life, home, vehicle and property. And Mercury is the planet that controls your finances so due to its retrogration your funds could get upset, your installments and pay could get postponed. Different misfortunes or burning through cash commonly on exactly the same things. Your funds could stall out because of some off-base speculation choice. In this way, attempt to try not to make any venture right now. Your words may be confused by loved ones and become the justification for struggle. Accordingly, the natives who are government officials, inspirational orator, speculation investors, or any media individual are encouraged to be cognizant and remain low profile during this Mercury Transit In Scorpio. Leo natives you are educated to take care regarding your wellbeing also there are chances that you could experience the ill effects of medical issues connected with the sensory system, skin or even throat. Try not to supervise such a case and visit a specialist when fundamental. Furthermore, attempt to add Yoga and contemplation in your day to day daily practice, keep up with hygiene and practice good eating habits. Things will improve for you after 2nd January 2024 when Mercury will get in direct motion.
Remedy- Light an oil lamp and worship the Tulsi plant every day.
Know Your Moon Sign: Moon Sign Calculator
Dear Virgo natives, for you planet Mercury rules the tenth house and Lagna and now on 28th December Mercury will Transit In Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and your third house represents your siblings, hobbies, short distance travel, communication skills. In this way, dear Virgo natives, Lagna master Mercury retrogration in the third house isn't positive for your correspondence. You might find it hard to offer your viewpoint with your correspondence and as well as composing abilities, so the natives who are filling in as columnist, media individual, essayist, advisor, film chief, anchor, or professional comic can confront challenges in their expert life. Mercury being lagna lord getting retrograde might bring health issues to you as well so you are advised to be conscious of your health. Because of Mercury's aspect on the ninth house, you may have problems with your father. When talking with your father, masters, and mentors, explain yourself beautifully because your words could prove disrespectful and end up hurting them. Mercury Transit In Scorpio says that you should also be mindful of their well-being and happiness. Things will improve for you after Mercury goes direct on January 2, 2024.
Remedy- Wear emeralds of 5-6 cts. Set it in either a silver or gold ring on Wednesday. This will bring auspicious results for the Virgo natives.
Dear Libra natives, for you planet Mercury rules the twelfth house and ninth house and now on 28th December it is transiting in Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and your second house of the family, savings and speech. Dear Libra natives, this period isn't great for your funds. You could confront unforeseen costs or misfortunes which could adversely affect your saving plans. You likewise need to have a watch over your discourse and pick your statement shrewdly as it could get you in struggle and battles particularly with close relatives. You might need to travel a great deal with a ton of issues and terrible encounters and, surprisingly, go on numerous work excursions for a similar undertaking. Mercury As the ninth Lord, you should exercise caution when communicating with your father, masters, and guides, and express yourself admirably, as your words may be disrespectful and end up damaging them. You even should be aware of their wellbeing and prosperity also. Things will improve for you after 2nd January 2024 when Mercury will get in direct motion.
Remedy - Water the Tulsi plant daily and even consume 1 leaf daily.
Dear Scorpio natives, for you planet Mercury rules the eleventh house and eighth house and now on 28th december it is getting transiting in Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and your Lagna. So Scorpio natives, this retrogression of Mercury in Lagna can carry awful standing to the natives who are filling in as political pioneer, moving speaker, hypothesis lenders, or any media individual are urged to be aware and stay low profile during this Mercury Transit In Scorpio. Scorpios should be cautious about their financial well-being. Additionally, there are chances that you could encounter the evil impacts of clinical issues associated with the sensory system, skin sensitivity. This transit could increase a lot of uncertainties in your life. Being eleventh lord getting retrograde can cause funds to get upset, your installments and compensation can get postponed. Your money may become stalled as a result of a risky decision. As a result, try not to make any decisions right now. During this time, your relationships with an elder sibling or paternal uncle, as well as your social image, may suffer. Things will improve for you after the 2nd of January 2024, when the mercury will be in direct motion.
Remedy- Recite the Beej Mantra of planet Mercury daily.
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Dear Sagittarius natives, for you planet Mercury rules the seventh house and tenth house and now on 28th December it is getting transit in Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and in your twelfth house. So Sagittarius natives, this Mercury Transit In Scorpio in your twelfth house and Scorpio sign is definitely not an ideal time for individuals in business and business association, as there could be a lot of misunderstanding because of absence of communication and openness among partners and that could influence your business in the long run, which wouldn't be great for anyone, or on the other hand if you are wanting to begin a new thing in your business, atte Indeed, even individuals in the occupation may face frequent hindrances, misunderstandings with partners, administrative work challenges, and deferral in conveying the assignment, all of which will have a negative impact on their expert life. In the event that you were willing for some difference set up or association you are encouraged to postpone the plan as the time isn't great for that. The retrogation of the seventh ruler could likewise cause issues in your married life. Take care of your life, your partner's well-being, and remain calm while talking. Be cautious in expressing yourself as you may be misread and end up caught up in a few conflicting disagreements.
Remedy- Worship Lord Ganesh and offer him Durva.
Dear Capricorn natives, for you planet Mercury rules the sixth house and ninth house and now on 28th December it is getting transit in Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and your eleventh house of financial gains, desire, elder siblings and paternal uncle. So, Capricorn natives this retrogration period isn't ideal for your monetary circumstance. Because of unfortunate venture decisions, your money could get stuck. As a result, try to postpone any new projects for the time being. You could try to increase your spending to cover materialistic desires or clinical charges. Mercury Transit In Scorpio reveals that you may also clash with your more established kin, your fatherly uncle, or your group of pals. You cannot achieve the ideal improvements in your professional life. Indeed, express yourself admirably even when dealing with your father, masters, and guides, as your remarks could be disrespectful and end up hurting them. You should also be concerned about their well-being and happiness. Even Capricorn understudies who are preparing for major tests for their advanced schooling may face difficulties. Things will improve for you after the 2nd of January 2024, when the mercury will be in direct motion.
Remedy- Feed green fodder to the cows daily.
Dear Aquarious natives, for you planet Mercury rules the fifth house and eighth house and now on 28th December it is getting transiting in Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and your tenth house of profession and workplace. So, dear Aquarius natives, you need to stay alert regarding your profession. They could confront rehashed obstructions, misconception with partners, desk work issues and postpone in conveying the errand. To stay away from these issues, you are encouraged to stay additional ready and cognizant while conveying and managing desk work. Aquarius understudies who are in the examination field seeking after a PHD could deal with issues in their exploration work and studies. Aquarius natives who are involved in the hypothesis business are also advised not to take any challenges. Mercury Transit In Scorpio foretells that things will improve for you after Mercury enters direct motion on January 2, 2024.
Remedy- Install Budh Yantra within the house and workplace.
Dear Pisces natives, for you planet Mercury rules the seventh house and fourth house and now on 28th December it is getting transiting in Scorpio sign in retrogation motion and your ninth house which is the house of Dharma, Father, long distance travel, pilgrimage and luck. So, Pisces natives this Mercury Transit In Scorpio could bring a lot of disturbance in your domestic life and married life. Pisces men who are married may become stuck in a war like situation between their mother and spouse, which may result in disappointment, a lack of money, and chronic illness. You should also consider your mother's and soul mate's health. Because of Mercury's retrograde motion, your household electronics could become more problematic. There may be some additional costs due to car damage or difficulties. It has the potential to resurrect diseases or actual debates. Indeed, even when dealing with your father, Masters, and guides, express yourself excellently, as your remarks could be disrespectful and end up damaging them. You should also be concerned about their well-being and joy.
Remedy- Worship Lord Ganesh and offer him Durva.
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