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David Carradine 2013 Horoscope

David Carradine
Name: David Carradine
Date of Birth: Tuesday, December 08, 1936
Time of Birth: 12:00:00
Place of Birth: Hollywood California
Longitude: 118 W 20
Latitude: 34 N 6
Time Zone: -8.0
Information Source: Web
AstroSage Rating: Reference

David Carradine 2013 Horoscope

Year 2013 Summary Horoscope

The position of Muntha is very favorable to David Carradine. Just let go and enjoy the happiness that comes David Carradine's way. At last David Carradine can relax and enjoy the success and the results of the hard work David Carradine had been doing for a long time. This period will also bring David Carradine in the midst of famous people. Gain from foreign lands will build David Carradine's status. Gains from superiors and higher authorities are also indicated. David Carradine will get happiness from the life partner and children. There will be religious ceremony at home and name, fame and luck due to that.

Dec 9, 2013 - Dec 30, 2013

Partnerships are good for David Carradine this year, in both the professional and personal sphere. However, the most important thing is that David Carradine might just have that overwhelming, life-changing experience that David Carradine were waiting for so long. Communications and negotiations will click for David Carradine and bring in new opportunities. David Carradine will generous and help people. There will be frequent travels regarding business/job etc which will bring good luck for David Carradine. If employed then service conditions will improve.  

Dec 30, 2013 - Mar 01, 2014

People look up to David Carradine and come to David Carradine for advice. Things will start getting sorted out. The whole of this period comes into a period of great potential and energy for David Carradine. Time brings David Carradine fortune, ability and courage. However there will be material gains and recognition from superiors nonetheless. So it is a good period for trying out new things, going to new places. David Carradine are likely to acquire a conveyance in this period. David Carradine will connect with more people and make the most out of those connections in both giving and taking. This period will also bring happiness and success to David Carradine's siblings.  

Mar 01, 2014 - Mar 19, 2014

David Carradine will be confident and positive during this period. David Carradine will continue to wield power and authority either in government or public life. Short distance journeys are indicated which will prove to be beneficial. David Carradine will spend money freely. David Carradine and a close family member may suffer from ill health. Specifically it indicates sickness to David Carradine's life partner, severe headache or eye complaints. 

Mar 19, 2014 - Apr 19, 2014

It should turn out to be the prosperous period for David Carradine. David Carradine will receive many surprises, mostly pleasant. There will be happiness through spouse and David Carradine's relatives. There will be success in disputes and litigations. David Carradine will buy a new house or a vehicle. David Carradine may get huge profits from David Carradine's contracts and agreements. David Carradine will prevail over all David Carradine's enemies. It is a favorable period as far as money matters are concerned. 

Apr 19, 2014 - May 10, 2014

David Carradine will get full co-operation from superiors or people in responsible or influential positions. David Carradine can make great progress professionally. David Carradine might have to shoulder important responsibilities both at the career and domestic fronts. There will be a good opportunity to come into contact with compatible persons in the course of David Carradine's official duties/ travels. David Carradine will be precious metals, gems and jewelry. David Carradine's children will require attention as they will be more vulnerable during this period.  

May 10,2014 - Jul 04, 2014

This period is marked by the change in place and change in job. David Carradine will suffer due to mental anxiety. David Carradine won’t have any peace of mind. Family member’s attitude will be quite different. Don’t go for big investment because things may not turn up according to David Carradine's expectations. David Carradine's friends and associates shall not keep their promises. Be careful of wicked friends as David Carradine's reputation could be made to suffer on their account. Take care of family’s health as the problems related to their health may arise. Do not therefore plan a journey now. Physical ailments are also possible.

Jul 04, 2014 - Aug 21, 2014

David Carradine take care of yourself now and not let yourself be overburdened, and that way David Carradine can keep yourself going for long. There might be a few disappointments. David Carradine's courage and convictions are David Carradine's strongest qualities, but it might hurt to get a little too pigheaded. Don't go for big investment because things may not turn up according to David Carradine's expectations. David Carradine may not get proper support from David Carradine's friends and associates. Family members attitude will be quite different. Health will be an issue and David Carradine will see diseased like nausea, fever attacks, ear infection and vomiting.

Aug 21, 2014 - Oct 18, 2014

This is not a very satisfactory period for David Carradine. David Carradine may get indulge into sudden losses financially. Loss of money due to litigation and disputes is also possible. Failure in attempts will make David Carradine feel frustrated. David Carradine will have to slog as the work burden will be too much. Family life will also create tensions. Don’t try to take risks in business matters as period is not very harmonious to David Carradine. David Carradine's enemies will try to tarnish David Carradine's image. Loss of money will be quite evident.

Oct 18, 2014 - Dec 09, 2014

This year presents David Carradine with a taxing work schedule but will reward David Carradine with good career progress. This could be an excellent period promising much success provided David Carradine are willing to work on it. Corporation from the family is seen. This is also a period which can give David Carradine fame. David Carradine can make great progress professionally. David Carradine will be able to win over David Carradine's enemies. David Carradine will acquire new trades and new friends. David Carradine will maintain a harmonious relations ship with all.

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