The 12 Chinese Zodiac Animals and Traits
Chinese Zodiac comprises of a twelve year cycle, in which, each year is dedicated to either a domesticated animal or a wild animal. The cycle is formed considering a number of combinations and forms. Chinese Zodiac which thus came into being is based on the lunar year in which a person was born. The year here plays a significant role, as it determines the animal that the person is being born under. This would govern the basic traits and morals that he/she will live upon.
The 12 Chinese Zodiac Animal Signs
Chinese Astrology focuses mainly on 5 elements that make up time i.e. Fire, Water, Earth, Metal, and Wood. The theory of Yin and Yang also has a pivotal role in determining the profound influence of the animal on one's life. Here is a traditional classification of zodiac signs divided into five elements along with their nature:
- Rat – Element Water, Yang, 1st Trine
- Ox – Element Earth, Yin, 2nd Trine
- Tiger – Element Wood, Yang, 3rd Trine
- Rabbit – Element Wood, Yin, 4th Trine
- Dragon – Element Earth, Yang, 1st Trine
- Snake – Element Fire, Yin, 2nd Trine
- Horse – Element Fire, Yang, 3rd Trine
- Sheep – Element Earth, Yin, 4th Trine
- Monkey – Element Metal, Yang, 1st Trine
- Rooster – Element Metal, Yin, 2nd Trine
- Dog – Element Earth, Yang, 3rd Trine
- Pig – Element Water, Yin, 4th Trine
The Chinese Zodiac signs based on animals came into being when Lord Buddha summoned all the animals to bid him adieu. The 12 animals that came by his beckoning were the ones that got a place in Chinese Zodiac. These honorary places given to the animals determine the characteristics of the person born in the dedicated year.
These Zodiac signs are often seen as the window to one's soul, as they give a brief outline as to how an individual would be. Chinese astrology lay quite a lot of stress on the importance of Chinese Zodiac signs and the animals. And with time, this believe has only strengthened. These elements give an insight about the personality and characteristics of Chinese Zodiac Animals, which are as follows:
- Wood – Idealists, Planner, Exceptionally gifted, Owl
- Water – Perfectionist, Sympathetic, Coordinator, Chameleon
- Fire – Courageous, King, Good at research, Koala
- Earth – Honest, Kind, Leader, Tolerant, Peacock
- Metal – Persistent, Determined, Workaholic, Tiger
The signs affect one's fate, career, love life, education and his choice of action. The rich, ancient culture of China takes pride in predicting the future through their knowledge of zodiac signs and the animal related to it. Every lunar year has an animal related to it, which becomes the year of the designated animal. People born in that particular year are then governed by the traits and characteristics of that animal, and are often termed as being their birth symbol.
Know Your Chinese Zodiac Animal Sign Here
Chinese Zodiac | Years of Chinese Zodiac |
Rat | 1924, 1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020 |
Ox | 1925, 1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021 |
Tiger | 1926, 1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022 |
Rabbit | 1927, 1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023 |
Dragon | 1928, 1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024 |
Snake | 1929, 1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025 |
Horse | 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026 |
Sheep | 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015, 2027 |
Monkey | 1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016, 2028 |
Rooster | 1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017, 2029 |
Dog | 1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018, 2030 |
Pig | 1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019, 2031 |
Astrological Significance
Also called as Shēngxiào (生肖) in Mandarin, Chinese Zodiac reflects several similarities with Western Zodiac. Its time cycle is splitted into 12 different sections which represents the name of 12 Chinese animals. Each animal describes a person’s personality, traits and various events happening in the course of their life. According to Chinese Astrology, animal signs as per year tells what other natives perceive of one or the way you represent yourself. Other than that, there are animal signs assigned by months (inner animals), days (true animals) and hours (secret animals).
Zodiac Animal Of The Day
As mentioned above also, Chinese zodiac animals are also categorised based on days in a week, which are called as true animals. Several days can represent different animals as there are only seven days in a week with a total of 12 animals. Here is a quick list:
- Monday: Goat
- Tuesday: Dragon, Pig
- Wednesday: Horse, Rooster
- Thursday: Rat
- Friday: Rabbit, Snake, Dog
- Saturday: Ox, Tiger
- Sunday: Monkey
Chinese Zodiac Compatibility
The concept of Chinese Zodiac is derived from the theory of Chinese Five Elements, where every sign comprises of five elements related to each other based on interaction, over-action, interpolation and counter-action. As said, different natives born under different Chinese animal signs possess different personalities, physical traits and characteristics. Chinese astrologers and practitioners consult these minute details to check horoscope compatibility and provide suggestive guidance in life regarding marriage and love.
Here is a quick list of Chinese animal signs sharing highest, moderate and least Chinese zodiac compatibility with other signs. Chinese Astrology speaks volumes about a person’s life, and gives an in-depth insight regarding the life and compatibility between two signs, be it with family members, coworkers, friends, spouse etc.
Rat – Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Rat, Dragon, Monkey, moderate compatibility with Snake, Rooster, Ox, Pig, Rabbit, Goat, Dog, Tiger and least or no match with Horse.
Ox – Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Ox, Snake, Rooster, moderate compatibility with Dragon, Monkey, Rat, Dog, Tiger, Horse, Pig, Rabbit and least or no match with Goat.
Tiger – Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Tiger, Dog, Horse, moderate compatibility with Pig, Rabbit, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Ox, Dragon, Rat and least or no match with Monkey.
Rabbit – Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Rabbit, Pig, Goat, moderate compatibility with Dog, Tiger, Horse, Dragon, Monkey, Rat, Snake, Ox and least or no match with Rooster.
Dragon – Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Dragon, Monkey, Rat, moderate compatibility with Snake, Rooster, Ox, Pig, Rabbit, Goat, Tiger, Horse and least or no match with Dog.
Snake – Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Snake, Rooster, Ox, moderate compatibility with Dragon, Monkey, Rat, Dog, Tiger, Horse, Rabbit, Goat and least or no match with Pig.
Horse – Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Horse, Dog, Tiger, moderate compatibility with Pig, Rabbit, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Ox, Dragon, Monkey and least or no match with Rat.
Goat – Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Goat, Pig, Rabbit, moderate compatibility with Dog, Tiger, Horse, Dragon, Monkey, Rat, Snake, Rooster and least or no match with Ox.
Monkey – Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Monkey, Dragon, Rat, moderate compatibility with Snake, Rooster, Ox, Pig, Rabbit, Goat, Dog, Horse and least or no match with Tiger.
Rooster –Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Rooster, Snake, Ox, moderate compatibility with Dragon, Monkey, Rat, Dog, Tiger, Horse, Pig, Goat and least or no match with Rabbit.
Dog – Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Dog, Tiger, Horse, moderate compatibility with Pig, Rabbit, Goat, Snake, Rooster, Ox, Monkey, Rat and least or no match with Dragon.
Pig – Natives under this Chinese Animal sign share best compatibility with Pig, Rabbit, Goat, moderate compatibility with Dog, Tiger, Horse, Dragon, Monkey, Rat, Rooster, Ox and least or no match with Snake.
The Four Animal Trines in Chinese Horoscope
Chinese horoscope and astrology illustrates every year by the specifications of certain animal signs. These four animal trines are represented with different animals in Chinese Astrology. Here are some attributes of these trines describing their qualities and personalities:
First Trine Chinese Zodiac
Rat, Dragon and Monkey makes up for the First Trine. These three signs can be highly unpredictable but possess leadership qualities and intense power. Animals in First Trine are intelligent, charming, magnanimous, authoritative, charismatic, confident, and artistic, but can also be aggressive, vindictive, manipulative, jealous, and deceitful.
Second Trine Chinese Zodiac
Ox, Snake and Rooster makes up for the Second Trine. These signs have the qualities of tolerance, endurance and good planning techniques, but hold on to one specific opinion. These three signs are known to be smart, intellectual, hard-working, modest, loyal, good hearted, philosophical, patient and morally upright, but can also be egoistic, self-righteous, vain, narrow-minded, judgmental and petty at times.
Third Trine Chinese Zodiac
Tiger, Horse and Dog makes up for the Third Trine. These animals tend to seek true love, have an interest in humanitarian deeds, independent and ideal for others but sometimes impulsive with their approach. They are productive, dynamic, loyal, honorable, enthusiastic, independent, and protective, but can also be rash, quarrelsome, anxious,disagreeable, rebellious, and stubborn.
Fourth Trine Chinese Zodiac
Rabbit, Goat and Pig makes up for the Fourth Trine. These signs are calm in nature and have a reasonable approach towards life. They seek for aesthetic beauty of life, are creative and well-mannered, but kind of detached and resorted with their condition. They are caring, sensible, self-sacrificing, empathetic and prudent, but can also be naive, insecure, indecisive, pessimistic and selfish.
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