Rahu Transit 2025 - Impact, Horoscope Remedies

Rahu Transit 2025: In Vedic astrology, Rahu is considered a mysterious planet. It is a planet for diplomacy and politics. According to religious traditions, the head of the demon Swarbhanu was severed by Lord Vishnu's Mohini incarnation with his Sudarshan Chakra, but after sipping the nectar, its head and torso remained immortal. The head became known as Rahu, and the torso as Ketu.

Rahu Transit 2025

According to astronomy, Rahu and Ketu are not planets, but rather intersections formed by the orbital paths of the Sun and Moon, although in Vedic astrology they are known as shadow planets; however, the importance of the Rahu planet remains unchanged. Rather, Rahu's location in the horoscope is constantly considered. Rahu has been transiting Pisces, owned by Jupiter, for quite some time, and will now enter Aquarius, controlled by Saturn, on May 18, 2025, at 17:08 PM. Rahu's transit typically lasts 18 months in a single zodiac sign. They immediately manifest the consequences of their transit.

Some astrologers believe Rahu is exalted in Taurus, others in Gemini, and Scorpio and Sagittarius are regarded Rahu's inferior signs. If Rahu and Ketu are in good positions with the lords of Kendra and Trikon, they become Rajyoga factors, and their dasha changes the person from a pauper to a king; nevertheless, Rahu eclipses at some point in life, therefore Rahu's condition is important. Rahu is also known as Byahu, which means that when Rahu's condition occurs, the person may marry, even if it is a mismatched marriage. Rahu is known as a planet of autocratic tendencies. It just has a head and no torso, thus it is useful for thinking, and Rahu-affected persons have a strong brain. He is successful in finding easy remedies to all problems, yet he works hard to complete the tasks. If the planets' positions are not favorable, we are left with nothing but our thoughts. Rahu's efficient presence makes him a good diplomat. If Rahu also brings success in gambling, betting, and lottery games, it can also lead a person down the path of acquiring knowledge in a favorable situation. The present day is one of information technology, and Rahu's influence is strongest in this area.

Rahu's specialty is that it constantly moves in retrograde. In this case, instead of progressing forward in any zodiac sign, it returns to the preceding one. For example, if Rahu was previously transiting Pisces, it will now transit Aquarius rather than Aries. Some scholarly astrologers do not consider any sight of Rahu while some scholarly astrologers give importance to the fifth, seventh and ninth sight of Rahu. However, there is also a concept that Rahu reaps the fruits of the house in which it stays.

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Regarding Rahu Transit 2025, the transit of Rahu is typically believed to be most suitable in the third, sixth, and eleventh houses; however, auspicious effects of Rahu can be noticed depending on other planetary placements and houses of the horoscope. In this special post about Rahu Transit 2025, you will learn how Rahu transit in Aquarius 2025 would affect your life based on your zodiac sign. In which areas of your life will Rahu produce positive results, and in which will you struggle? We will also tell you what steps you should take to gain the favor of the Rahu planet, so let us know in detail how Rahu Transit 2025 will affect your zodiac sign.

हिंदी में पढ़ें: राहु गोचर 2025


Rahu Transit 2025 predicts that Rahu will transit in the eleventh house of Aquarius in the lives of persons born under the sign ofAries. This can be a very beneficial transit for your zodiac sign because Rahu is considered most favorable in the eleventh house. Rahu's presence here will assist you in achieving your intended goals. Your heart's aspirations will be fulfilled, and long-stalled plans will now begin to move forward, giving you confidence.

Rahu's presence here will significantly raise your income, so your financial situation will improve as well. You will have the opportunity to broaden your social network. You will make many friends. You'll enjoy meeting new people and spending time with them. You will prioritize your social circle over your family life, allowing you to spend more time away from home than with your family. This is also an ideal season for romantic relationships.

You'll go to great lengths to please your beloved. This Rahu transit may have a beneficial impact for businesses, and your financial status may improve. You should think carefully before investing in the stock market. There are opportunities for success in work, including promotions and salary increases.

Remedy: On Wednesday evening, make a donation of black sesame seeds to a temple.


Rahu will transit the tenth house of the Taurus zodiac. Although Rahu's presence in the tenth house is believed to bring good fortune, you should still use caution at work. Rahu's presence here will force you to take shortcuts. You will prefer to take shortcuts when doing work, which increases the likelihood of making mistakes, and you must avoid working in haste.

There will be a need to prevent delegating your work to others; else, problems may arise in the workplace. You will be confident. However, one advantage is that you will complete any work you undertake quickly and effectively. People around you will be surprised at how fast you work. Whatever task others find tough, you will do it quickly, yet certain troubles in your family life may continue.

You will also devote less time to family events. As a result, family members will make complaints about you. Health issues may cause concern among parents. During this time, you will discover enjoyment in a rented house. In the office, you will also have to concentrate on working hard with your mind rather than your heart.

Remedy: You should chant the Rahu Beej Mantra.

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Rahu will be transiting the ninth house in Gemini. This transit may cause you to travel significant distances. During this transit period, you will visit a variety of locations, including pilgrimage sites. You will also bathe in holy rivers such as Ganga.

Rahu will make you somewhat autocratic, and you will want to build your own identity by ignoring religious beliefs and norms, and you will value all of these things less. Some health issues may arise during this transit, so you must take care of your father's health and, if necessary, contact a doctor to treat him. You must pay attention to the right use of resources and practice thrift; otherwise, you might suffer financial ups and downs that may cause problems in the future.

As a result of Rahu's transit, you might encounter some ups and downs at work. You may be transferred to a place you dislike; in this case, move ahead with patience.

Remedy: To have auspicious Rahu results, plant the Nagkesar plant.

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When it comes to Rahu transit 2025 for persons born under the sign of Cancer, it will occur in the eighth house. Rahu's transit in the ninth house is unfavorable in some cases, but it can also produce unexpectedly positive outcomes in others, so you should pay close attention to the conditions.

Rahu's presence here can cause you health difficulties. You may contract an infection or develop health problems as a result of poor eating habits; thus, you should seek advice from a skilled and knowledgeable doctor to avoid contracting a significant sickness in the future. Rahu's presence here indicates more interference from the in-laws' side. You will take a more active role in your in-laws' work.

During this phase, Rahu recommends you to quit investing in the stock market, otherwise, you may incur financial loss but owing to this Rahu, you may also earn indirect and unexpected financial gain. You may suddenly acquire some property or inheritance. You may receive someone else's secret money, or money may arrive unexpectedly. During Rahu's transit, you should not deviate from your religious beliefs.

Remedy: You should perform Rudrabhishek of Lord Shiva.

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Rahu will transit the seventh house of Leo in 2025. Rahu's transit through the seventh house will yield mixed outcomes for you. You must take care of your relationship, i.e. your married life, because many forms of misunderstandings may arise between you and your spouse during this period, the cost of which you may have to bear as a result of relationship strain. You should tell your partner the truth and not hide anything. If the two of you disagree on something, try to fix it by sitting together, and do not seek the assistance of any third party from outside in this work. Otherwise, there may be trouble. During Rahu's transit, you should give great attention to your business. Do not engage in any unethical or illegal behavior that you may later regret.

During this Rahu Transit 2025, you will develop new business plans, but it is crucial that you put them into action; otherwise, difficulties will arise. You may receive commercial assistance from international mediums and individuals.

Remedy: Donate black sesame seeds on Saturday.

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Rahu will transit in the sixth house of the Virgo zodiac sign in 2025. In general, Rahu's transit in the sixth house is regarded favorable. It appears that it will also benefit you. The effects of Rahu's transit will lessen the number of troubles in your life. You will be effective in finding solutions to all problems. You will also experience health issues and may become ill, but these issues will pass.

You will be successful in overcoming the problems. Employed people should be wary of their special friends at work since you will consider them your own, but they can betray you behind your back and try to dig up your roots, so you must constantly be cautious. If there is a case pending in court, it will go in your favor. There will be prospects for economic improvement. Expenses will decrease, and you will be able to obtain funds. You can also gain from earlier investments.

Remedy: You should chant the Beej Mantra of Rahu.


In terms of Rahu transit 2025, Rahu will transit in the fifth house for persons born under the sign of Libra. Transit in the fifth house might also yield positive outcomes. Your IQ will grow. Your memory will get sharper. You will be able to function well in school because you will quickly comprehend and recall whatever you see, understand, or read. However, your attention might dwindle again and again.

This transit will add intensity to love relationships. Your relationship with your loved one will improve. You will cherish your love and go to great lengths for it, but you must resist lying to them. During this moment, your thoughts may turn to the stock market, where you might make a profit by investing. Betting, gambling, lottery games, and other similar activities should be avoided. You will try different ways to make money. Whatever work is challenging, you will be able to complete it with ease.

Stomach troubles may disturb you, so pay close attention to your health. Sometimes unpleasant thoughts come to mind; in such cases, do not consider harming anyone.

Remedy: To counteract Rahu's negative impacts, you should worship Maa Chandi ji.

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Rahu will transit the fourth house in the Scorpio zodiac. This cannot be regarded to be extremely beneficial to you because the effects of this transit can generate imbalances in family life. There may be a lack of mutual harmony in the family and a decline in the sensation of love, which may widen the distance between your family members, requiring you to care for them. If you reside in a rental house at this time, you may experience bliss.

However, people who own their own houses may have to spend some time away from their families or may lack the comforts of home due to their employment. You will be quite occupied with various tasks here and there. Working in information technology will benefit you. You can work by obtaining a commission from somewhere. You may experience chest infections or other issues as a result of this Rahu Transit 2025. Because of the effect of Rahu's transit, you should avoid meddling overly in your family and work in accordance with everyone.

Remedy: You should feed food to the black dog.


Rahu will be transiting in the third house for Sagittarius. This Rahu transit 2025 will be vital for you since Rahu, who is in the third house, has the ability to open doors of opportunity. There will be short trips, and you will be busy during this transition phase. Friendships will grow stronger, and you will have more possibilities to spend time with them. You will be surrounded by friends, which means you will prefer to spend time with and help your friends above your family and personal ties. You will also be spending money on them. Rahu's influence may cause problems for your brothers and sisters, but you will also want to aid them. Your strength and bravery will grow. You'll try to take risks. You will also earn from taking risks in business. You may pursue any of your passions. The effect of Rahu's transit will boost your communication skills, which will benefit you at work. Some of your colleagues may cause misunderstandings for you.

Remedy: You should feed wheat flour to cows on Sunday.


Rahu will transit in Capricorn's second house. Rahu's presence here will influence your words. You will say several things that will impress folks and pique their interest. This will assist you because you will be able to complete your assignment successfully. You'll say stuff that people will really like. You can succeed in gaining people's hearts with kind remarks. You should avoid expressing bitter or negative words to anyone in anger because if you do, they will become real. This will harm both you and them. During Rahu's transit, you should pay careful attention to your eating habits because you may experience food-related or health difficulties. Accumulating riches will be challenging, but with time and effort, you may be successful. At the beginning of the year, because Mars has the eighth aspect on Rahu, you will need to take care of your health.

Remedy: To benefit from Rahu's fortunate benefits, donate Onyx gemstones.


This Rahu Transit 2025 will be very beneficial to Aquarians because Rahu will enter your own zodiac sign, i.e. Rahu will transit in your first house. This will have a particularly strong impact on your thinking and comprehension abilities. Your decision-making abilities will also shift. You'll make any decision quickly. Many times, you will make decisions without considering what is right and wrong, which may later turn out to be incorrect because Rahu will influence your brain and thinking. You will rush through each task, increasing the likelihood of errors. You should only speak right and wrong after thinking and weighing your options; otherwise, you will not achieve satisfactory results. Indifference to health conditions can lead to disease. Because of Rahu's transit, instead of being selfish and only thinking about yourself, focus on your spouse and work to enhance your relationship with them. Businesspeople will need to cling onto their relationships. Do not do business by lying; instead, hire some fresh employees to improve your work. You'll gain from it. Do not make any decisions based on someone's comments; instead, use your thinking and seek guidance from a trusted knowledgeable individual.

Remedy: You should offer Lord Shiva white sandalwood.


Rahu transit 2025 will be very significant for you since Rahu will leave your zodiac sign and enter Aquarius, occupying the eleventh house from your sign. You may notice both positive and negative consequences. On the one hand, you may contract diseases and have health problems that require you to visit a hospital, while on the other side, your bills will abruptly rise. You will spend without knowing what is right or wrong, maybe resulting in financial loss. You will also spend money on worthless activities, which may exacerbate your financial status; nevertheless, you may be able to vacation overseas during this period. If you are making efforts in this regard, increase them; there is a chance that you will travel overseas during Rahu's transit phase. You will have to deal with the noise and bustle of your office, and you may have to spend time away from your loved ones, which will be difficult at first, but you will eventually get used to it. Your family members should be supportive of you.

Remedy: To receive Rahu's blessings, pour water on raw coal on Saturday.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: When will Rahu transit occur?

Answer: On May 18, 2025, at 17:08 PM, Rahu will enter Aquarius, the sign of Saturn.

Question 2: For how long Rahu stays in one planet?

Answer: Rahu typically transits one zodiac sign for 18 months.

Question 3: Which zodiac is lucky for Rahu?

Answer: Rahu is regarded as powerful in Virgo, Aquarius, the third, sixth, and eleventh houses.

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